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认识到折磨的人有问题。Realize that the tormentor has a problem.

别把这个直接告诉给折磨者。Don't tell this to the tormentor directly.

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折磨者加大了订婚服装。The tormentor enlarged the engagement garment.

但记忆也可以是个诅咒、或者是种折磨。But memory can also be a curse and a tormentor.

他发誓要报仇,弄了一把枪,跟踪着殴打他的人而去。Vowing revenge, he got hold of a gun and tracked down his tormentor.

过了第二天,又过了第三天,这只折磨人的猫还没来。The second and the third day passed, and still my tormentor came not.

许多人和一个他们头脑中在不断攻击、惩罚、汲取他们活力的折磨者一起生活。Many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy.

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如果音乐会的座位与站起来和跳舞的权利绑定,年长的女士可以付钱让折磨她的人坐下来。Should a concert seat come bundled with the right to get up and dance, the older woman could have offered to pay her tormentor to sit down.

环境噪声污染是现代化城市的一大公害,控制和治理噪声污染势在必行。The environmental noise contamination is a big public tormentor in the modern cities. Control and administration of noise pollution are imperative.

就像那条链子,它提取了,生命中如磐石般不朽的精华,将雨水变成石头,将生命变成,折磨你的人笔下的画像。And so--like the chainlet--it takes that stone-like distillation of life, turning rain to stone, turning life to the representation by your tormentor.

由于对欧文是否参赛的公开讨论争执不休,英格兰主帅最近干脆把这个曼联前锋称作是自己的“折磨”。The manager recently called the Manchester United forward his "tormentor" because of the endless public discussion of the striker's involvement or lack of it.

有时,以难民身份来美国的被侵害者会在美国街道上惊遇曾经折磨他们的人。Sometimes victims of human rights violations who have come to the United States as refugees experience the shock of seeing their tormentor on an American street.

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研究人员说,如果雏鸟没有被啄死,等它成年后,就会变成像向它施虐的成鸟一样残忍,去攻击其他雏鸟,传承这一永久的“暴力的怪圈”。But if the chick survives it's likely to become just like its tormentor attacking other nestlings when it reaches maturity and perpetuating this "cycle of violence " researchers report.