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宁远县是一个丘陵地区。Ningyuan County is a hilly district.

即使在多山的地区也可以开凿运河。Even hilly countries can be canalized.

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在平原城市还好,在丘陵城市就有点吃力了。May be hard to pull off in some hilly cities.

选择一个山路,或者在一个斜坡上反复前行。Either use a hilly route or do repeats on one hill.

都是山丘和绿色,边着富饶的红土地。It was hilly and green, bordered with rich red soil.

辽西走廊沿海丘陵平原立地类型。Site type of coastal hilly plain in Liaoxi Corridor.

那白菜端上来小山似的一盘,碗象个小盆。The cabbage end up hilly one dish, bowl like a small bowl.

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这就是生活在贫困山区的父子,他们一生别无所求。The father and his son live in an impoverished hilly area.

在威斯康星和明尼苏达南部的丘陵地带的农业地区。In the hilly farmlands of southern Wisconsin and Minnesota.

首都周围的山区就不这么幸运了,他补充说。The surrounding hilly regions may not be so lucky, he added.

多山的南部是一个称为勃罗奔尼萨的半岛。The hilly southern part is a peninsula called the Pelopnnesus.

丘陵、山地广布,塬台梁峁交织。Hilly, mountainous widespread, hilly plateau Beam of intertwined.

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一个炎热而潮湿的夏日,我打算修剪那凸凹不平的草地。One hot and humid day, I decided to mow our extremely hilly lawn.

从一座山坡较缓的山开始——慢慢的到陡峭的山坡。Start by running a slightly hilly course — gentle, rolling hills.

南部地区属于低山丘陵地带,是洋河流域的所在地。Northern regions, which were low hilly ones, were the river basin.

白石水镇地处丘陵地带,土地肥沃。Lishui Town, is located in the hilly areas Whitehead, fertile land.

加油站地处丘陵地带的高坡上,紧邻公路。Gas station is located in the hilly slopes, adjacent to the highway.

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核桃小木主产湘西南雪峰山系漆树区,能在低山、丘陵平原区栽植。It can also be planted in the low lands, hilly countries and plains.

为宁夏南部黄土丘陵区生态恢复提出了几点建议。Some suggestions are proposed for loess hilly area of south Ningxia.

厄撒乌就住在色依尔山地。厄撒乌即是厄东。That is why Edom settled in the hilly country of Seir. Esau is Edom.