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圆柱滚子轴承是一种可分离型轴承。This type of bearings is separable.

并不存在与身体相分离的另一个"你"There is no "You" separable or separate from your body.

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单列圆锥滚子,有保持架。可分离。Single-row conic roller , with the cage , and separable.

感知机只能解决线性可分问题。The perceptron can only solve linearly separable problems.

特别是并不存在,与你大脑相分离的另一个"你"In particular, there is no "You" separable from your brain.

这是离合二字组的又一成因。This is another cause of separable two-character word group.

这也可以认为是离合词语分合的一个制约因素。This can be regarded as a constraint factor of the separable words and expressions.

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汉语离合二字组的产生同时受着类推作用的影响。The formation of separable two-character word group also suffers from the role of analogy.

一种卡片,至少包括一个可分离部分,分离后可交付处理。A scored card including at least one separable part that can be processed after separation.

脊髓灰质炎病毒一种肠道病毒,可分为三种血清型,它是导致脊髓灰质炎的媒介。An enterovirus separable into three serotypes that is the causative agent of poliomyelitis.

为了提到精度,1.5吨的导弹弹头可在飞行中与弹体分离。To increase the accuracy, the missile nose cone, 1.5 tons in mass, was made separable during flight.

但这些文化却都认为你的本质,和你所寄存的生理客体是互相分离的But what they share is the idea that what you are is separable from this physical thing you carry around.

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但是他们所分享的是这样的观念你是不同于你持有的身体的东西。But what they share is the idea that what you are is separable from this physical thing you carry around.

通过与现有光学小波变换及二维可分离离散小波变换进行比较说明了其优点。The advantages of OSWT are described via comparison with OWT and 2D discrete separable wavelet transform.

结果表明,螺旋桨空泡噪声由连续谱和离散线谱组成。It is shown that propeller cavitation noise is composed of continual spectrum and separable line spectrum.

他们同人类一样由物质组成,但他们的身体不分部件。They're made of matter just as human beings are, but their bodies aren't compounded of separable elements.

要根据案件的不同情况,对于可分的群体性案件,可以分别立案受理。In light of different circumstances, the separable mass cases may be put on record and accepted separately.

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非言语交际作为人类交际的一个重要部分,发挥了不可忽视的作用。Non -verbal communication is an indispensable and in separable part of human interaction and communication.

支持向量机中的L2范数软边缘算法可以将线性不可分问题转化为线性可分问题。The L2 norm soft margin algorithms in SVMs can change each linearly inseparable problem into a separable one.

对度量空间和局部可分度量空间的商s象进行了讨论。Some propositions about the quotients-images of metric spaces and locally separable metric spaces are discussed.