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他给美国和俄罗斯当双重间谍。He was doubling for America and Russia.

吉夫掉头走了,这次没再回来。Giff leaves, not doubling back this time.

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对粗支纱,请试着使用六根并合。For coarser counts, try with a doubling of six.

我们进来时看见她蜷缩在沙发上。When we came in we saw her doubling up on the sofa.

他在一出戏里扮演教师和传教士两个角色。He is doubling the part of a teacher and a missioner.

我们没有单人房间了,您不介意与他人同住一屋吧?We haven't any single rooms left. Do you mind doubling up?

合并一下,你可以在21个小时里减掉一磅。Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.

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政策变化导致了政府在卫生方面的开支加倍。Policy changes led to a doubling of government spending on health.

然后你就有一半的机会可以把钱一下子翻一倍。You've then got an evens chance of doubling your money at a stroke.

但他们没办法承受三倍的租金,甚至无法承受多于两倍的租金。But they can't deal with a tripling, even more than a doubling of rent.

我们所获得关于大脑的资料量每年增加一倍。The amount of data we're getting about the brain is doubling every year.

MTT法测定细胞的增殖或生存率,并计算细胞倍增时间。VSMC viability or proliferation was determined by MTT and doubling time.

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考德威尔的动机开始就高音萨克斯在此期间增加一倍。Caldwell was motivated to begin doubling on tenor sax during this period.

我们已通过加倍劳务所得收入抵免来削弱这个问题的影响。We had made a dent in the problem by doubling the Earned Income Tax Credit.

每月爱迪卡交易达到一千五百万次,增长率每年翻一番。Edy accounts for 15m transactions a month, a rate that is doubling annually.

但奥巴马总统的最终决定,像是给手里的烂牌追加了一倍的赌注。Instead, the president decided on what looks like doubling down on a bad bet.

如果硬币被标示为1955叠影林肯美分硬币,而事实上该硬币没有叠影。Coin is labeled a 1955 Doubled Die Lincoln Cent, when the Coin has no doubling.

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我觉得我们现在在开源上的投入能达到以前的两倍之多,这是毋庸置疑的。I think you can think of us as doubling down on open source, no question about it.

与此同时,我推荐你加倍的评估你完成任务需要的时间。In the meantime, I recommend doubling your time estimations for completing a task.

笔者对GD型并捻机张力均匀性进行了测试、分析。The tension evenness on GD doubling and twisting machine is examined and analysed.