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他声音很小,听不清楚。He uttered little indecipherable sounds.

玛吉的笔迹几乎无法辨认。Maggie'swriting was virtually indecipherable.

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这些工程看起来很难,不可能,不可辨认。The project looks hard, impossible, indecipherable.

心情追踪着阴影里一个难以解释的起因。The mood Traced in the shadow An indecipherable cause.

通常电脑语言是一般人无法解读的。As a rule, computer languages are indecipherable to the average person.

我所知道的是,视觉传达在这里是一团糟。All I know is that the visual communication here is an indecipherable mess.

否则我们无法解释为什么她会得到那么多命运的眷顾。Otherwise we are indecipherable why the favor that she can get so much destiny.

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键盘记录器只能够记录下完全不可理解的加密键。Keyloggers can only record the encrypted keys, which are completely indecipherable.

标签名使用长命名或者短小高效却难以辨认的名字?Do you make long, descriptive tag names, or short ones that are efficient but indecipherable?

我努力地和司机讲话,但结果只有咕哝声和无法辨认的只言片语。My efforts at conversation with the driver resulted only in grunts and indecipherable phrases.

可是产品的加工过程如此错综,每个产品都是混血,无法辨认其血统。Butin a dense networkof production, every product is a mongrel, with an indecipherable pedigree.

琳达坐在椅子上,屏幕上很快显示出一个难以辨认的灰色图像。Linda mounted the spread-eagle chair and soonan indecipherable gray image appeared on the screen.

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但是在生产活动的一个密集网络中,每件产品都是有不同地方组装的,带着很难辨认的标识。But in a dense network of production, every product is a mongrel, with an indecipherable pedigree.

这将有助于识别书卷中那些经历无数世纪之后,字迹已经褪色,因而模糊无法辨认的部分。It helped uncover sections of the scrolls that have faded over the centuries and became indecipherable.

艾丽丝和爱德华从后门走进来。艾丽丝快速走到我身边,但爱德华踌躇不前,他的表情复杂难懂。Alice and Edward came in the back doors. Alice hurried to my side, but Edward hung back, his face indecipherable.

他打开那只塞满了不知什么东西的箱子,从中掏出一个放着许多小瓶子的小盒子。He opened the suitcase crammed with indecipherable objects and from among then he took out a little case with many flasks.

照片显示四个可能为行星的白色斑点,除了目光最锐利的专家之外,几乎无人能够分辨。The pictures show four likely planets that appear as specks of white, nearly indecipherable except to the most eagle-eyed experts.

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沃尔卡巴什人的大脑其实相当发达,但他们一生却过得极其抽象和迥异,他们的思维往往很深奥。Their evolved brains are indeed highly intelligent, but with a life cycle so abstract and alien, their musings are often indecipherable.

另外,无法破译的部分是否可以通过录音技术的进一步发展加以破解还需拭目以待。And it remains to be seen whether the indecipherable portions of the message might yet be recovered by further advances in recording technology.

空白符可用来使你的程序更易读、更容易维护或者可能使你的程序更难于辨认。Whitespace can be used to make your programs more readable and easier to maintain, or it can be used to create horrific and indecipherable code.