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我额头的热狂!The fever on my brow.

冷彻我的眉睫。Sunk chill on my brow.

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却有水雾氤湿了眉间。There mist Xe wet brow.

焦虑使他愁眉不展。Worry clouded his brow.

脸红一直红到眉梢。A flush mounts to the brow.

我以我的眉梳发誓。I swear by my brow groomer.

荷叶舒眉展目着。Her brow looked like a leaf.

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他眉宇之间怒气横生。His brow clouded with anger.

隐士举手合十在他的额顶。The Hermit crossed his brow.

但我知道她的额头长得象谁!But I know whose brow she has!

从他眉毛上的荆冠流出。From the thorns upon His brow.

我很想会晤布郎先生。I would like to meet Mr. Brow.

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汗珠正从他的额头滴下来。Sweat was dripping off his brow.

那里你将皱着眉独坐在镜前。Andthou, with brow sitting alone.

如今你毛发脱掉,约翰。But now your brow is beld , John.

我上周买了一支眉笔。I bought a brow pencil last week.

护士擦拭了他发烫的前额。The nurse mopped his fevered brow.

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腾格拉尔的眉际掠过一片阴云。A cloud passed over Danglars' brow.

他擦去了额上的汗水。He sloughed the sweat off his brow.

他擦去了额上的汗水。He sloughed the sweat off his brow.