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这些你校对了吗?Did you proofread these?

拼音书写查缉和校对。Spell check and proofread.

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请帮我校对一下这本书好吗?Can you proofread this book for me?

对你的email进行多次校对。Proofread your message multiple times.

我可以请你帮我校阅一下我的报告吗?。Could I get you to proofread my report?

让你的妻子或丈夫,或者朋友帮你校对一遍。Have a spouse or friend proofread your proposal.

至少至少,要仔细校对你的申请材料。At the very least, proofread the application carefully.

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记得我接到的第一桩任务便是校稿。Remember I received the first pile duty is to proofread.

请校对你材料发帖子之前他们在这里!Please proofread your materials before you post them here!

你必需全面检查以及校正你的邮件。You must thoroughly spell-check and proofread your email letter.

金正日同志一百五十多次亲临剧团指导改编。Kim Jong-il proofread the script over one hundred and fifty times.

至少要有三个人检查你的简历和求职信。And have at least three people proofread your resume and cover letter.

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校对文本,当你认为没有问题的时候,也可以请求别人帮你校对。Proofread your text--and ask someone else to proofread it as well. 20.

项目可能为填写表单和校对文档。This may be items such as forms to fill out and documents to proofread.

如果是一篇客座博客,更应该多次校对。If it is a guest article or a linkbait piece, proofread it one more time.

校对以消除所有拼写、标点符号、语法错误。Proofread to eliminate all spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

不要自己来检查,不要靠拼写工具检查。Do not rely on yourself to proofread yourwork and do not rely on spell-check.

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校对下你的微博。140个字里出现的打字错误数是令人大跌眼镜的。Proofread your tweets. The amount of typos in 140 characters is mind blowing.

不要靠自己来检查,不要靠拼写类工具。Do not rely on yourself to proofread your work and do not rely on spell-check.

我写了信和履历表后,可否请你修饰一下呢?After I write the letter and resume, will you please proofread and polish them?