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我是一名犹太人。I am a Jew.

泰特斯又是一个犹太人。Titus is a Jew.

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还藏着犹太人的灵魂。The soul of a Jew yearns.

那老头一定是个犹太人。The old cove must be a Jew.

我也许从来没有见过犹太人。I had probably never had met a Jew.

一个秃顶的犹太人亲包法利夫人?A bald Jew is kissing Madame Bovary?

明早把泰门那个犹太人带来见我。In the morning, bring Timon the Jew here.

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“一些面包屑”,犹太人回答。“Just some bread crumbs,” replies the Jew.

我本来想找个黑人,但最后却找了个犹太人。I was hoping for a black guy, but I got a Jew.

你称自己是犹太教正统派,-是的。And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew. -Yes.

毁谤我,控告我,每个人利用我,踢我,说我是犹太人。Jew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick me, kike me.

保罗活在公元一世纪,信的是拉比犹太教。Paul's background is a 1st century Rabbinical Jew.

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我几乎打死了一个人,因为我以为他是一个犹太人。I beat a guy almost to death. I thought he was a Jew.

成为一个以色列人,后来被称为。Israelite To become an Israelite, Jew later on a Jew.

冰岛人一直以来都是没来由的仇恨犹太人!The Icelandershave always been Jew hates without reason!

我查阅了有关五角星对犹太人象征意义的一些资料。I checked some materials about symbol of the pentacle to Jew.

路易斯·尼科尔斯是犹太人,甚至范诺登和彻里也是犹太人。Louis Nichols is a Jew. Even Van Norden and Chérie are Jewish.

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犹太人希望人们在他的葬礼上说些什么呢?What does a Jew hope people will say about him at his funeral?

为什么不呢、我已经在像犹太人一样讲话了,而且我长得像犹太人一样丑。Why not?I already speak like a Jew. And I am as ugly as a Jew.

一部描述二战中对犹太人迫害的影片。Describes in World War II the movie which persecutes to the Jew.