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这是制钟者必须面临的窘境之一。That is one predicament the clock makers face.

我和你处于同样的窘境之中。I am in the identical predicament with yourself.

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但朱女士这些年来的身份是尴尬之极的。This makes Madam Chu's predicament even more awkward.

昨晚带着窘境入梦。I fell asleep last night thinking about my predicament.

人类的忤逆是其所处困境的原因。Man's disobedience is the cause of the human predicament.

通常情况下这是“一个丢掉所有的东西”的困境。Often it's a "drop everything and get this done" predicament.

只有一只小鸟才能逃脱。Only a bird could have extricated itself from this predicament.

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如果他在当时讲出了实情,他就不会处于现在这种困境中。Had he told the truth then, he would not be in this predicament.

一旦遭遇这种困境,企业家该何去何从?So what does an entrepreneur do when caught in this predicament?

但是这些改善加剧了单身汉的窘况。But these developments have worsened the predicament for bachelors.

这样我还是一个处女,但视野没有尽头——一个退缩的困境。Which made me a virgin with no end in sight —a daunting predicament.

换句话说,您可能并不知道您在这种状态下,接下来要做什么。In other words, you may not be sure what to do next in this predicament.

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第三章分析涉诉信访的制度困境。Chapter 3 analyzes the system predicament which LLC encounter in current.

如果他们能的话,首先她就不可能让自己处于这样的困境。If they could then she wouldn’t be in this predicament in the first place.

要了解这个困境从何而来,我们得先看看结核病如何治疗。To understand how this predicament came to be, consider how TB is treated.

因而,“后艺术史”陷入了无效写作的困境。Consequently, "post-art history" falls into a predicament of ineffective writing.

由当代社会文学的困境及其突围,可以得出诸多美学启示。The predicament and survival of literature may provide much aesthetic inspiration.

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现代教育之困境,乃在于教育的功利性和工具性。The predicament of modern education lies in its utilitarianism and instrumentalism.

描绘了当灵魂依附于濒死的动物时人类肉体的窘境。Yeats describes mankind's fleshly predicament as a soul fastened to a dying animal.

币制借款应当说是清末外交的一大败笔,清政府由此进一步陷入了内外交困之中。Currency loan is a failure and from then on the Qing government came into a predicament.