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我走进了一家“试镜”。I went to one "audition".

噢,我得到了试音的机会。Oh, I've got to audition?

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对不起,我明天要试演。I'm sorry, I have an audition.

选拔赛需要多长时间?How long will my audition take?

报名后将安排试唱。Audition will be arranged later.

你可以拂袖而去,再面试下一位老板。Go out and audition another boss.

你也应该为他们试音。You should audition for them, too.

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你打算试演这个角色吗?Do you plan to audition for the part?

李伟菘音乐课室将举办一场选拔赛。There will only be ONE round of audition.

在那个周六,我和父亲去参加了试镜。That very Saturday we went to the audition.

包含有超过130个试音歌曲清单。Contains a listing of over 130 audition songs.

本隣选委员会有最终取录决定权。The decision of the Audition Committee is final.

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杰西卡阿尔芭试镜中的罕见镜头。Rare footage from inside a Jessica Alba audition.

这周你可以来我家试唱。So you can audition this weekend here at my house.

她通过那里得到了去试音的机会。And she got the opportunity to audition through them.

他们那时准备用芥末酱罐头的一段戏来试镜。They were using the mustard-jar scene in the audition.

我听过了你的录音,希望你能过来试唱一下。I heard your record and I want you to come and audition.

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导演计划明天上午让舞蹈演员试演。The producer plans to audition dancers tomorrow morning.

音质调节功能能满足各种听音环境。Tone adjustment can meet different audition environment.

乔伊准备参加一个试镜,演19岁少年。Joey prepares to audition to play the part of a 19-year-old.