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他们设法准时到了那儿。They managed to get there punctually.

明天我会准时交论文的。I’ll hand in the paper punctually tomorrow.

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这位房客未能准时交租。The tenant failed to pay his rent punctually.

这航空公司的飞机有准时升降。The airline did depart and landing punctually.

请尽量准时到达。Please make every endeavor to arrive punctually.

请尽量准时到达。Please make every endeavour to arrive punctually.

感谢您的邀请,一定准时到达。Appreciate your invitation, definitely arrive punctually.

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遵守校规校纪,准时到校上课。Observe the school discipline and come to school punctually.

爱玛是从不准时赴约的,你就做好等的准备吧。Emma never arrives punctually so you can expect to be waiting.

请放心,我方将准时运交订单定货。Please be assured that the order will be punctually fulfilled.

我是个公务员,一定会准时交租的。I am a civil servant and will definitely pay the rent punctually.

更新快,出货准时,质量稳定。Renews quickly, produces goods punctually , the quality is stable.

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7点45分,开往吉隆坡的特快列车准时驶离新加坡火车站。Punctually at 7.45, the express to Kuala Lumpur left Singapore station.

谢谢你的提醒。明天我会准时交论文的。Thank you for your warning. I'll hand in the paper punctually tomorrow.

如果你不准时交学期论文,你会冒犯你的教授的。You will offend your professor if you don't turn in the term paper punctually.

在我的绿色的大旅舍里,我得到了最周到的招待和最体贴的服务。I had been most hospitably received and punctually served in my green caravanserai.

这笔重要基金与充裕的资本一起准时发挥作用.The fundamental fund functions punctually in conjunction with abundant capital.

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它直接关系到一个项目能否按时、保质地在预算内完成。It is related to a project if can be finished, punctually and high-quality in the budget.

它真正是做了巨大的差异,他不会错过班,并准时到达。It really is making a big difference to him not to miss classes and to arrive punctually.

传统的热继电器缺相保护存在反应慢、误动作或不能及时切断电路等问题。The traditional relay features in slow response, wrong actions and failure to punctually shut the circuit.