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狂风怒号。A violent wind is howling.

野火烧不尽,春风呼又生。Violent fires soon burn out.

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我的心猛跳了一下。My heart gave a violent bound.

而在过去,比赛更加暴力。In the past, it was more violent.

说明当时白酒品质暴烈。Proof that liquor quality violent.

猛烈举动时,可戴上护膝。Violent action, can wear knee pads.

那里发生了强烈地震。A violent earthquake occurred there.

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我怕暴死。I'm afraid of dying a violent death.

他们是一个原始,暴力的种族。They’re a primitive and violent race.

我讨厌恐怖片和暴力片。I don't like scary and violent movies.

但人比任何动物更为暴烈。But man is more violent than any animal.

我不倡导任何暴力革命。I don't advocate any violent revolution.

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一阵狂风把帆撕碎了。A violent wind plucked the sails to bits.

这药物引起剧烈的反应。The medicine produced a violent reaction.

龙卷风是最具破坏力的自然风暴。Tornados are nature's most violent storm.

一阵凶猛的雷雨后,紧接着下起了冰雹。Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm.

他确实是一个暴力狂,但却不浮躁。A violent alcoholic, sure, but not so whiny.

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他在动乱的波雅尔世界幸存了下来He emerges from the violent world of Boyars.

一堆光会撒谎、耍暴力的混蛋吗?。Bunch of little lying, violent motherfuckers?

乌云预示着一场猛烈的暴风雨。The black cloud presignified a violent storm.