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贝勒临床胃肠病学最佳实践。Bailliere's Best Practice in Clinical Gastroenterology.

这是肠胃病学百科全书的网页。This is the web page of Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology.

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贝勒临床胃肠病学最佳实践与研究。Bailliere's Best Practice & Research in Clinical Gastroenterology.

他们的研究发表在了世界胃肠病学杂志上。Their study was just published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

一个出版在世界胃肠病学杂志的个案报道涉及这个问题。A case report published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology addresses this problem.

在2010年7月7日的世界胃肠病学杂志上,发表了一篇研究文章。A research article was published on July 7, 2010 in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

南园义一是日本山口县防府市肠胃病学研究所的创始人与特别顾问。Yoshi Minamisono is the founder and special counselor of the Hofu Institute of Gastroenterology.

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目的探索一种适合消化科临床药师药学查房切实可行的工作模式。Aim To explore a pharmaceutical ward round model suitable for clinical pharmacists in gastroenterology department.

一些如肠胃病学等医学附属专业的招聘市场也越来越多地能够在同样的交易大厅中进行。Medical marketplaces for subspecialties like gastroenterology are increasingly able to use similar clearinghouses.

2008年8月28日,发表在世界胃肠科学杂志的一篇文章对该项研究进行了阐述。A research article to be published on August 28, 2008 in the World Journal of Gastroenterology addresses this question.

这是来自美国肠胃病协会的忠告,源于日本的两份解释为什么必须这么做的报告。That's the advice of the American College of Gastroenterology , which points to two reports from Japan that illustrate why.

方法结合消化科常见疾病与用药特点,进行临床药学查房实践,在此基础上不断总结和完善。Methods The pharmaceutical ward round model in gastroenterology department was summarized and improved based on clinical practice.

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其在胃肠领域的最多应用是评价通过胃部的食物流动以替代临床仍然视为胃排空测量金标准的核素法。It has been mostly used in gastroenterology to assess flow of ingesta through the gastric region as an alternative to radionuclide studies.

刊登在2008年六月21日出版的世界胃肠病杂志上的一篇研究性文章就这一问题进行了研究。A research article published on 21 June 2008, in the World Journal of Gastroenterology addresses this question. The research team led by Dr.

医学博士罗伯特斯特里克尔博士的故事开始于1983年,斯特里克尔博士在洛杉矶从事内科和肠胃科医务工作。The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M. D. , Ph. D. Dr. Strecker practises internal medicine and gastroenterology in Los Angeles.

“临床胃肠病和肝病”的任务是为临床胃肠病和肝病提供一个更广的阅读主题。The mission of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology is to provide readers with a broad spectrum of themes in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology.

胃肠道和泌尿外科器械专家顾问委员会由此明确认为这种手术对较轻程度肥胖的治疗益处大于其潜在风险。The Gastroenterology and Urology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee determined that the benefits outweigh the risks for less obese patients.

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脑肠肽的发现、神经胃肠病学的建立以及脑肠病交互作用的临床报道为假说的成立奠定了基础。Those are bases of the hypothesis of discovering of brain gut peptide, the neural gastroenterology and the clinical report on the relationship of brain-intestinal disease.

精通肠胃医术,后来又攻下了妇产科医术,安蒂诺里在意大利各种医务岗位上工作过,最后来到里贾纳·埃琳娜罗马的一家公立生殖医院。Specializing in gastroenterology and, later, in gynecology, Antinori worked in various posts around Italy before landing at Regina Elena, a public fertility hospital in Rome.