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我出生在南斯拉夫的马其顿的奥赫里德乡村。I was born on the village of Vivcani near Ohrid in Yugoslavian Macedonia.

国际社会在独立问题上的态度也有分歧。The international community is also divided over independence for the Yugoslavian republic.

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60年代发生在南斯拉夫的修正主义事件,则是改革开放的一个较早的实验。The Yugoslavian Revisionism during the 60's might be considered as an earlier experiment of this.

正文的第一章,论述美国的南斯拉夫政策的缘起。The first chapter in the main body elaborates the origin of the United States' Yugoslavian policy.

国际社会在独立问题上的态度也有分歧。The international community is also divided over independence for the former Yugoslavian republic.

科索沃战争期间,美国空军曾经利用一种相关技术摧毁了南斯拉夫的供电网络。The US air force used a related technique to disable Yugoslavian power grids during the Kosovo campaign.

我认为,从根本上讲,这是南斯拉夫主权范围之内的事,是南斯拉夫的内部事务。In my view, this is Yugoslavia' s internal affair and should be dealt with by the Yugoslavian government.

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我本人认为,南斯拉夫政府肯定会把他交给海牙,以换取美国的经济援助。Personally, I 'm sure the Yugoslavian government will hand him over to the Hague in exchange for financial aid.

第二章,主要探讨了第一届艾森豪威尔政府的南斯拉夫政策。Second chapter mainly discusses the Yugoslavian Policy during his first session by the Eisenhower Administration.

第三章,波匈事件对艾森豪威尔政府的南斯拉夫政策的影响。Third chapter shows how the Polish and Hungarian events influenced the Eisenhower Administration's Yugoslavian policy.

作为这个前南斯拉夫的共和国的仍然强烈民族文化的鲜活证据,在斯洛文尼亚,男孩们参加传统的游行。Living evidence of this former Yugoslavian republic's still-strong national culture, boys join a traditional march in Slovenia.

有些抒情小诗被译成英、德、日、罗马尼亚、南斯拉夫、朝鲜以及世界语等文字。Some lyrical poems of his have been translated into languages like English , German , Japanese , Romanian , Yugoslavian , Korean and Esperanto.

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这是西方媒体第一次正式报道巴基斯坦出口的HJ8被用于前南斯拉夫内战。This is the first time the Western reporters were informed officially that the HJ8 used in the Yugoslavian Civil War had been imported from Pakistan.

科索沃是南斯拉夫领土的一部分,南斯拉夫政府、塞尔维亚政府有责任,也一定能够妥善地处理这个问题。It is part of the Yugoslavian territory. The Yugoslavian government and the Serbian government have the responsibility and ability to handle the issue.

王慧琴是生活在前南斯拉夫地区的斯洛文尼亚共和国的中国艺术家,她给我们带来了对上述问题的压缩性呈现。This became the main aspect of the socialistic ideology. Wang Huiqin is a Chinese artist who lives in the Republic of Slovenia, an ex Yugoslavian country.

萨格勒布萨瓦河畔一城市,位于贝尔格莱德西北偏北,原来一直是克罗地亚的重要城市,19世纪时,它是南斯拉夫民族主义运动的一个中心。A city on the Sava River north-northwest of Belgrade. Long the chief city of Croatia, it was a center of the Yugoslavian nationalist movement in the19th century.

我认为,从根本上讲,这是南斯拉夫主权范围之内的事,是南斯拉夫的内部事务。In my view, this is Yugoslavia' s internal affair and should be dealt with by the Yugoslavian government. In the Balkan region, relations among nationalities are very complicated.

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2006年,最后两个前南斯拉夫国家黑山和塞尔维亚宣布独立,仅仅一年后,负责监管网站域名的ICANN就商定了.yu域名的“退休计划”。In 2007 Icann, the international body that oversees web domains, agreed on the plan to retire .yu just a year after the last two Yugoslavian states, Montenegro and Serbia, declared their independence.