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信用卡让人们贷款异常便利。Credit cards make it trivially easy for people to take loans.

温夫人那你“讨论”人生为什么这么不正不经呢?LADY WINDERMERE. Why do you TALK so trivially about life, then?

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我们已经很容易地从这个页面得到了许多有用信息。We have just trivially pulled a lot of useful information from the page.

您可以对其稍加修改,从而允许跨多个接口的无密码连接。You can modify it trivially to allow passwordless connection across multiple interfaces.

因为互联网初创公司的启动成本已经非常低了,盈利点可以很容易突破。And because Internet startups have become so cheap to run, the threshold of profitability can be trivially low.

我在这边花费所有时间看帖和回帖毫无意义,而且,我也不能这么做。It would be trivially easy for me to spend ALL of my time reading and responding to this forum, but alas, I cannot.

它可以非常容易地更换皮肤,为所在平台带来一个提供了各种窗体要素的用户界面。It will be trivially easy to reskin and adapt the user interface to accommodate devices with all kinds of unique form factors.

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对适当的政策的全面分析,以制定达成目标的时间似乎充其量只是无关痛痒的谦辞。The idea that rigorous analysis of the right policies happened to echo the target date seems, at best, trivially condescending.

这是些很愚蠢的问题,因为一旦你明白了他们的问题,答案就在其中,一切简单明了These are stupid questions, because once you understand what they're asking, the answer is just built in. It follows trivially.

当琐琐碎碎打破爱情里的唯美当婚姻给爱情提供了一个住所,爱情开始接受生活里的一切。When breaks in love trivially only US when the marriage has provided a residence to love, love starts to accept in the life all.

当你的自律变得越来越强时,诸如在特定时间起床的挑战对你来说是小事一桩。As your self-discipline gets stronger, a challenge like getting out of bed at a certain time will eventually become trivially easy.

简单创意显示出大家之风,女性化没有流于琐碎,而在于优雅的关怀。The simple creativity demonstrated everybody the wind, the feminization has not flowed in trivially , but lies in the graceful concern.

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但如果你努力发展自己的勇气、觉醒和自律,这些问题就会自动消失——实际上,它们会变得不再是问题。But if you work on developing your courage, awareness, and self-discipline, these problems will solve themselves — in fact, they’ll become almost trivially easy.

正是在互联网泡沫破灭之后的低谷期内,初创公司的启动成本开始变得非常低,但是因为当时初创公司已经不那么受追捧了,所以很少有人发现这种变化。It was during the trough after the Internet Bubble that it became trivially cheap to start a startup, but few realized it because startups were so out of fashion.

通常,至少是在优化的初始阶段,对配置文件顶部的方法的调用中,相当大的一部分调用都是不必要的,可以安全删除。Often, at least in the first passes of optimization, a surprising proportion of the calls to the top method are totally unnecessary and can be trivially eliminated.

洛格什先生37岁的时候经历了中风,在此之前的一个月他刚给膝盖做了手术,除了普遍的高胆固醇和吸烟之外我们也找不到其他的什么病因了。Mr. Logosh was 37 years old when he suffered a stroke. It was a month after knee surgery and we never found a real reason other than trivially high cholesterol and smoking.

以目前遍布全球的网络观之,再遍布网络全球将带宽扩展10倍,那么其中任何一个实体就能够不费吹灰带宽能够任何之力的以百万级的速度单位进行自我繁殖。Take the kind of network that exists worldwide now, expand the bandwidth by a factor of 10, and it would be trivially easy for one of these entities to multiply itself a millionfold.

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以目前遍布全球的网络观之,再将带宽扩展10倍,那么其中任何一个实体就能够不费吹灰之力的以百万级的速度单位进行自我繁殖。Take the kind of network that exists worldwide now, expand the bandwidth by a factor of 10, and it would be trivially easy for one of these entities to multiply itself a millionfold.

更一般的来讲,乔姆斯基认为应用在人类身上的效果律,要么是无效且毫无意义的正确假说,要么就是稳定且明显的错误假说。More generally, Chomsky suggests that the law of effect when applied to humans is either trivially true, trivially or uninterestingly true, or scientifically robust and obviously false.

把密码放到单独的文件可以允许把密码文件进行简单的加密,尽管任何有权限得到代码和密码文件的人都可以很轻松的对文件进行解密。Putting the passwords into a separate file also permits the file to be lightly encrypted, although anyone with access to both the code and the file can obviously decrypt the data trivially.