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我经常哭。I often cry.

我动辄就哭哭啼啼。I often cry.

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阿木常常这么说。Amu often say.

但也不常常如此。But not often.

经常下雪。It often snows.

你是否经常咒骂?Do you cuss often?

你经常徒步旅行吗?Do you hike often?

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茎通常丛生。Stems often tufted.

经常赞美她。Compliment her often.

他常常拿不到小费。He was often stiffed.

我们常常乘快艇游览。We often go yachting.

你常坐飞机吗?Do you fly very often?

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你经常锻炼身体吗?Do you often exercise?

你经常锻炼身体吗?Do you often work out?

他平常说话并不结巴。He doesn't often hack.

他时常讨好她。He often fawns on her.

他经常巴结她。He often fawns on her.

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我经常需要它救急!I often need rescuing!

我过去经常看到一只蝇子在飞。I often saw a fly fly.

我经常在夜间工作。I often work at night.