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有很多关于海鹦的故事。There are many stories about puffin.

这只海鹦正在为筑巢而收集枝条。This puffin was collecting twigs for his nest.

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北太平洋的海鹦,每只眼睛上方有一簇黄色的羽毛。Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye.

也许海雀还不能飞,但其他的发明家仍在努力。The Puffin may never fly, but other inventors are tinkering.

海鹦夫妇每年都会回到同一处洞穴会面。Puffin couples often reunite at the same burrow site each year.

在这个区域的文化中,海雀扮演着非常重要的角色。它在每个人心中都有很重要的地位。Puffin place a huge role in the culture of this society. It has a place in the heart of everybody.

帕韦尔斯基海雀父母们在悬崖峭壁上筑巢嵌穴,日复一日地捕鱼养家。Puffin parents dig nesting burrows into the cliffs and spend their days fishing for their families.

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他们无法在土壤中挖洞筑巢。结局是海雀的繁殖遭遇灾难性的减少。They cannot burrow in the soil and make nests. The result has been a catastrophic decline in puffin breeding.

所有这些花花草草最终都将成为佳肴的一部分,与之相配伍的是来自冰岛的海雀蛋和来自格陵兰岛的公麝鹿肉。All of these make their way into his dishes, along with puffin eggs from Iceland and musk-ox meat from Greenland.

另外,这种机型的未来版本还可能追加设置两部螺旋桨发动机,以免发动机被炮火或飞鸟击中而出现停机。Future versions of the Puffin may have more than two rotors to help the aircraft survive gunfire and other issues like bird strikes.

小岛上的海鹦群落是大不列颠岛南部地区最大的,共有大约1万只,它们在四月至七月末飞到岛上繁殖。The island, which has the biggest puffin colony in southern Britain, plays host to over 10, 000 puffins, who come from April to the end of July to breed

这照片是一只善知鸟被摄影在萨姆堡上端的设得兰群岛,在哪里这些华美的小鸟能看见在夏季有大量的鸟。This shot of a puffin was taken at Sumburgh Head in the Shetland Isles, where these colorful little birds can be seen in great numbers in the summertime.

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最有趣的是“妻子”海鹦总是第一到达它们在峭壁一米深的老洞穴等待“丈夫”海鹦归来。Of most interest is that the "wife" puffin is always first arriving at their old cave of one meter deep in cliff and waiting for the "husband" puffin to come.