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你是我心上一点点寄托。A bailment of telesthesia you are in my heart.

深山密林是鄂伦春人生命与情感的寄托。Remote mountain woods is the Elunchun people's bailment of life and sentiment.

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家庭的经济功能己经消失,变成了感情寄托的场所,婚姻和继承可以抛开经济利益的考虑。Family became a place of feelings bailment. Marriage and succession wasn't based on economy.

此书在清代复现,对“比兴寄托”说词论产生了较大影响。The reappearing of this book in Qing Dynasty has a big influence on the growing of Bailment theory.

这种现代保释的理念与制度对于我国保释制度的构建具有指导意义。Such a concept of modern bailment is of instructive significance to the construction of bailment system in China.

取保候审是我国的一种非羁押性强制措施,与外国的保释在一些方面有异曲同工之处。Obtaining guarantors is one of non-costidal compulsory measures and is similar as the meaning of bailment in foreign countries.

家,对我们来说,是藏在心里最暖的一个寄托,不敢打开这个盒子,一旦打开,眼泪就会有流下来。Home, for us, it is the warmest bailment treasure in the heart, afraid to open the box, once opened, there will be tears streaming down.

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外国的保释在适用上与品格证据紧密相连,但取保候审与品格证据的关系在我国体现得却很疏远。The application of bailment connects to character evidence in foreign countries, hot obtaining guarantors is far from character evidence.

在侦查程序的配套措施方面,应确立非法证据排除规则和建立保释制度。And in the matter of supporting measures, the author considers that illegal evidence eliminating rules and bailment system should be established.

在美国谷物市场的历史上,由于保管法不够明晰,谷仓老板们曾几度经受不住诱惑而堕落。In the history of the U. S. grain market, grain elevators several times fell prey to this temptation, spurred by a lack of clarity in bailment law.

今日的圆满圆满了感情的寄托缓缓的淌过了祝福的暖河几番的轮回轮回几世的诗歌读过了吗?Today's roundness Making heart bailment reunionSlowlyFlowing over warm river full wishesSamsara by samsara Makes several generation poesyHave you ever read it ?

今天,对卡加利来说这种磨难中的同心协力精神成为了一种传统,一种文化,同时也是卡加利人未来的寄托。At that time, the pioneer must make a concerted effort in order to survive. Today, for Calgary, the spirit of cooperation is a tradition, a culture and bailment for future.

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直到保管法的逐步健全,保证了任何虚假的仓库单据都被视为非法欺诈行为,才最后终结了这种明显不该被允许的行为。Only a tightening of bailment law, ensuring that any issue of fake warehouse receipts is treated as fraudulent and illegal, finally put an end to this clearly impermissible practice.

它的“返归自然”的主张则使作家们将大自然作为自我人格与理想的寄托,使中国现代文学中自然的成分得以加强。Its opinion of "returning to nature" made them regard the nature as the bailment of their personalities and ideals, and reinforced the component of nature in modern Chinese literature.

代理商的商誉损失补偿请求权是为弥补委托合同的缺陷,基于公平合理原则为代理商提供的一项救济制度。Business agent's recourse of goodwill damage is for makes up the contract of bailment the flaw, and it based on the just principle a relief system which provides for the business agent.

而山东新生代在写作立场上则有着相近的取向,他们视文学为精神寄托,对文学怀有不可随意把玩与亵渎的神圣理念。Other new generation writers usually take aesthetic point of view while Shandong writers take similar one that they regard literature as spiritual bailment and show sacred notion towards it.