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英雄者,惊天地泣鬼神是也。Hero, who is also indescribably tragic.

许多这些事情困难地难以表述。Many of these duties will be indescribably difficult.

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我一听到这话,心里别提有多高兴了。I heard these words, and my heart how indescribably happy.

听了我的话,爸爸别提有多开心了。After listening to my words, my father indescribably happy.

我难过地无法言表,虽然我们前一天才见面。I felt indescribably sad, though I had met him only the day before.

父亲的那个世界对她产生了一种难以名状的磁力。She had an indescribably magnetic attraction to her father's world.

氛围是轻松的,空气中充满着无法形容的团结气氛。The mood was light and defined by an indescribably strong air of unity.

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别提更加混乱,孩子们呼吁,所以我有我的母亲。Indescribably more confusion, the children are called, so I have my mother.

我们说不出得高兴,期待第一时间看到我们的宝贝。We are indescribably happy and look forward to see our baby for the first time.

买了新书,小伯尔别提多高兴了,高高兴兴的回了家!Bought a new book, Small Burr indescribably more happy, and happily returned home!

今天来登记,知道年底可以拿到赔偿,心里别提多高兴了。Today to register. can get to know the compensation, so indescribably more pleased.

我只知道呜呜地哭,却爱莫能助,全家老小别提有多难受了。I only know whimpered, I don't think I can help, the whole family indescribably sad.

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有时我抱着他,看着他甜蜜的笑容,别提多美了!Sometimes I hold him, looked at him a sweet smile, more than indescribably beautiful!

她们面纱下的呼吸好象是死人那种无以名之的悲惨气息。Their breath under their veil resembles the indescribably tragic respiration of death.

那时候,我还很小,见到花花绿绿的糖果,心里别提有多高兴了。At that time, I was still very young and saw colorful candy hearts how indescribably happy.

当我完全沉浸在美妙的音乐中时,那种过瘾的感觉是笔墨难以形容的。It is an indescribably wonderful feeling when I am totally bathing myself in the luscious music.

经过一个星期的努力,当我顺利跳过第一个的时候,心里别提多高兴了!After a week of effort, when I successfully skipped the first time, and my heart more than indescribably happy!

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爱情,当它到了它的绝对高度时,常搀和着一种使人莫名其妙把贞操观念抛向九霄云外只一味盲从的感情。Love, at the height where it is absolute, is complicated with some indescribably celestial blindness of modesty.

他走得很慢,很谨慎,由他的整个外表看来,有一种难以形容的鬼鬼祟祟不可告人的样子。He walked very slowly and circumspectly, and there was something indescribably guilty and furtive in his whole appearance.

哦,我们探险回来了,书中一片欢腾。接着,大家看见了真正的水,湿漉漉的,别提有多惊喜了!Oh, we back adventure, the book was great rejoicing . Then, we see a real water, wet, and indescribably more pleasant surprise!