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卵石的起动有其特殊性。Incipit of pebble has its particularity.

卵石的起动有其特殊性。Incipit of pebble has its particularity.

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这是偶然现象,还是越南的特色呢?Coincidence, or a particularity of Vietnam?

干休所卫生资源有其特殊性。Sanitation resource of the cadre's sanatorium has its particularity.

其差异反映了甘肃黑猪的特殊性。The difference just reflected the particularity of Gansu Black Swine.

他重点分析了这一矛盾的特殊性。He laid special stress on analysing the particularity of the contradiction.

壁画在建筑空间的流动感正是由建筑艺术这一特性产生的。The mobility of fresco in architecture just results from this particularity.

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蒙古族弓弦乐器“潮尔”的特殊性问题,涉及的范围非常广泛。The scope of particularity of Mongolian bow instrument "Choir" is very broad.

矛盾的普遍性存在于矛盾的特殊性之中。The universality of contradiction resides in the particularity of contradiction.

他们作为一个艺术群体有着自己的特殊性和存在的意义。As an art community, they have their own particularity and subsistent significance.

其次明确了名牌的作用,最后着重分析了农产品实施名牌战略的特殊性。Then I analyse the particularity of famous brand strategy of agricultural products.

环境犯罪有不同于传统犯罪的特殊性,刑罚影响具有利害相兼的双重性。The environmental crime has its particularity while the punishment has bi-influence.

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石油生产场站的改造,每一项具体工程都有其自身的特殊性。Every specific project in remoulding oil production stations has its own particularity.

加筋土干垒块挡土墙内部稳定的计算与施工有其特殊性。And it has its own particularity in the internal stability calculation and construction.

门座式起重机的工作机构振动历程有特殊性。The vibration course of the working mechanism of the portal crane has its particularity.

根据安山岩物理性质的特殊性,提出了针对安山岩的断级配。According to particularity of andesite physical property, the gap grading is recommended.

人权意识具有普遍性,而人权意识的表达具有特殊性。Human rights consciousness has universality, but its way of expression has particularity.

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建筑产品的特殊性决定了“索赔”的必然性。The particularity of architecture production results in the inevitability of counterclaim.

第三章介绍菲仕兰公司的基本情况和OEM项目的特点以及菲仕兰项目的主要问题。The third chapter has introduced Friesland Company and the particularity of its OEM project.

文化、价值观和人权观都是普遍性和特殊性的统一。Culture, value and viewpoint of human rights are all unity of universality and particularity.