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再感染是指标感染后确诊超过30天。A "reinfection" was any one diagnosed more than 30 days after the index infection.

非洲中部的再传染并非来自尼日利亚,后者是该地区唯一地方流行该病的国家。The reinfection of central Africa did not come from Nigeria, which is the only endemic country in the region.

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目的研究我国血吸虫病流行区儿童青少年对日本血吸虫再感染的危险因素。Objective To study the risk factors of reinfection with schistosoma japonicum among adolescents in endemic areas.

通过观察群体蛔虫再感染和感染率的动态变化,本文提出了群体驱治蛔虫的间隔时间——群治频率。The dynamics both reinfection and infection rates of Ascaris lumbricoides was observed among 581 school children.

研究作者说研究中重新感染的高风险也表明需要更大力度的性病预防。The high risk of reinfection in the study also points to a need for greater STD prevention, the study authors say.

尿素变性实验是鉴别初次感染和体内病毒活化及再感染的有效方法。Urea denaturation test was an efficient method to distinguish primary CMV infection from reactivation or reinfection.

感染后保护性免疫仅能持续数月,再感染经常发生。Protective immunity against RSV infection after infection only last several months, so that reinfection often occurred.

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尽管该病可用抗菌药如四环素、多西环素和氯霉素等进行有效治疗,但是再感染和复发经常发生。Although the disease can be effectively treated with the antibiotic doxycycline, reinfection and relapses occur frequently.

那些吃大蒜的人,他们有感冒症状的持续时间较短,并且传染的风险较低。People taking garlic supplements who did catch a cold also had a shorter duration of symptoms and a lower risk of reinfection.

此种感染和反复感染过程开始于儿童早期,如不破坏此循环,可能持续至中年。This process of infection and reinfection begins in early childhood and may continue to adulthood, if the cycle is not broken.

结论在江滩型地区经过一个春季感染后,夏季是人群年度血吸虫新感染的主要季节,秋季再感染率较高。Conclusion Summer was the main season of yearly new infection of S. japonicum, and reinfection was more likely to happen in autumn.

感染后11周左右,虫体有自然消失趋向,但再次感染后,虫体仍可发育成熟并从粪中排出虫卵。Most of the parasite disappear spontaneously about 11 weeks, but the schistosome still can grow and ovulate well after reinfection.

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我们的研究是要进一步探索这些黄酮类化合物在预防移植后肝脏再次感染HCV的潜在作用。Our study further explores the potential effect these flavonoids have in preventing HCV reinfection following liver transplantation.

再次感染和抗药性成为了感染者最需要注意保护自己的话题。Reinfection and multi-drug resistance are proving that acquiring HIV means you have to be more careful than ever to protect your body.

研究发现初次三个月的筛检时重新感染的风险是高的,一整年的随访仍是如此。The risk of reinfection was high at the first three-month screening, the study found, and it remained so for the entire one-year follow-up.

在肝脏移植的早期,需要针对HCV的抗病毒策略来预防捐赠器官的再次感染,以便改善患者的长期预后。Antiviral strategies that target HCV in its early stages are urgently needed to prevent graft reinfection and improve long-term outcomes for patients.

后天免疫仰赖致敏记忆B细胞和T细胞的长期存活,它们能在同一病原体再度感染时快速繁殖。Acquired immunity relies on the long-term survival of sensitized T and B memory cells, which can proliferate quickly upon reinfection by the same pathogen.

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目的了解蛔虫重度流行区采取不同方案的全民化疗措施后,居民个体和群体的蛔虫再感染状况。Objective To understand the reinfection status of Ascaris lumbricoides after different mass chemotherapy measures were implemented in heavily endemic areas with A.

结论TT病毒能感染肝及肝外组织,肝外组织中的感染可能与TT病毒的再度感染及在不同人群中的较高感染率有关。Conclusions TTV can infect hepatic and extrahepatic tissues and its infection in extrahepatic tissues aught be responsible for a state of reinfection and higher prevalence in different population.

但是,若免疫系统缺乏调节性T细胞,寄生虫在第一次感染时就会全部肃清,当再度发生感染时,小鼠免疫系统却效率不彰,就好像是从未遇过入侵者一般。If the immune system was depleted of its T-regs, however, the parasite was completely purged, but reinfection was dealt with inefficiently , as if the mice had never before encountered the invader.