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OLAP多维分析结果的显示。Display of OLAP multi-dimension analysis result.

大多数OLAP服务器近来都实现了XMLA。Most, if not all, OLAP servers implement XMLA these days.

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OLAP技术的应用为试卷分析工作提供了一个强有力的分析手段。OLAP technique provides a strongly analyzing method for the paper-analyzing work.

它还为将BIRT项目的范围从纯报表工具扩展为OLAP铺平了道路。It also lays a foundation to expand BIRT project's scope from pure reporting to OLAP.

再次论文介绍了数据仓库建成之后用OLAP技术实现多维数据分析的一些应用实例。Then we use the OLAP technology to show multi-dimension data analysis case of the DW system.

把OLAP与数据仓库结合起来,为管理者提供决策分析信息。Joined data warehouse with OLAP to provide decision-making analytical information for managers.

多维结构是决策支持的支柱,也是OLAP的核心。The multidimensional structure is the stanchion of decision support system and is also OLAP core.

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在文章的第四部分,分析目前我国实施认股权证制度的法律环境。This paper discusses the actualizing of DPBS and OLAP in personnel management system of large enterprise.

使用这个方法可以为OLAP数据源清空视图,或为表列数据源将所有字段放置在细目区域中。Use this method to clear the view for an OLAP data source or to put all fields in the detail area for a tabular source.

第三章首先介绍了数据仓库、OLAP与多维分析、OLAP的实施等内容,重点讨论了基于统计数据的OLAP技术。Chapter Three introduced data warehouse, OLAP, multi-dimension at first, then discussed OLAP technique based on statistical data.

主要谈到的是数据仓库和数据集市、联机分析处理和数据挖掘以及前端展示技术。The ones that spoke of mainly are data warehouse and the data mart, OLAP and data mining, and show technologies in the front-ends.

最后介绍了OLAP多维分析在军队通信指挥系统的实现。Finally it presents the implement of the military commanding communication system by OLAP multidimensional analysis technology, etc.

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结果表明,将OLAP和数据深层挖掘技术紧密配合、协调使用将是数据挖掘发展的一个方向和趋势。The results show that the combinative method of OLAP and deep-seated mining technologies will be a trend of data mining development.

在OLAP的加工,切片和切割往往是演出沿着时间轴来分析发展趋势,并抽出时间为基础的模式中的数据。In OLAP processing, slicing and dicing is often performed along a time axis to analyze trends and find time-based patterns in the data.

“显示无行数据项目”和“显示无列数据项目”复选框只对基于OLAP数据源的数据透视表有效。The "Show items with no data on rows" and "Show items with no data on columns" checkboxes only applies to PivotTables based on OLAP data sources.

本人研究了一个基于多维查询分析的客户关系管理系统,进而提出了基于OLAP的多维分析算法。I studied customer relation management system based on many dimensions, then put forward analysis calculate way based on many dimensions of the OLAP.

本文设计的方案完全可以达到预期的要求,具有较好的快速响应性能和多维分析性能,能有效地完成数据仓库的OLAP操作。The design meets all anticipation, and has good performance in quick response and multi-dimensional analysis, which ensures its operation in OLAP on database.

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通过分析财务分析的需求指出直接用OLAP超立方体模型实现财务分析存在的问题和局限性。Analyzing the requirement of financial analysis, people realize that there are some problems and restrictions in straightly using the OLAP model in financial analysis.

开始,OLAP的实现技术都是基于胖客户端方式来实现,这种OLAP技术不易被用户使用。Looking back on the history of OLAP development, we can see that, at the beginning, this technology was implemented in the "fat-client" mode which however was not convenient to use.

从应用的视角阐述了OLAP与DM的区别与联系,对当前OLAM领域的研究热点以及应用、存在的问题进行了详细的概括与阐述。This paper introduces the different points and same points of OLAP and DM. and it expatiates and sums up some research hot topics of OLAM and some problems in the application of OLAM.