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选用好的光引发剂可以减少黄变。Yellowing can be reduced through judicious choice of photoinitiator.

贤明的父亲鼓励儿女自作抉择。A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own decisions.

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因此,要明智地确定发布是否必须为保留发布。So be judicious if the publications have to be retained publications or not.

比如他只说强大权威的好处,却避而不谈,自由权的明智And he talked about strong authority underplaying judicious liberty,for example.

尤其是在牛奶生产中,审慎使用精饲料将是有利的。Especially in dairy production, a judicious use of concentrates will pay dividends.

生产低硫柴油时,选择容易脱硫之进料是上策之一。For on-road diesel, judicious selection of easy-to-treat feedstock is a potential strategy.

弄清楚谁是吉纳后,医生变得严肃认真而又明智起来。And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.

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进而阐明了直角棱镜误差给定的合理方法。Further, the paper expounds the judicious method used to determine errors of right-angle prism.

他很想用比往昔更敏锐更明断的眼光观察一下巴黎之夜。He was curious to see Paris by night with clearer and more judicious eyes than those of other days.

测度他人需要极度的小心,深刻的观察,敏锐的鉴别和明智的判断。Here one requires extraordinary care, deep observation, subtle discernment, and judicious decision.

不同之处在某方面反映出相互带动的明智之举以及对公共市场的详细审查。The difference partly reflects the judicious use of gearing and the scrutiny of the public markets.

酷热的天气是最大的挑战,但通过得宜的灌溉就能轻松得以补救。The hot days were the biggest challenge, but the effect was easily remediated with judicious irrigation.

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通过选择合适的阳离子、阴离子和配体,可以调变离子液体的化学、物理性能。Their chemical and physical properties can be tailored by judicious selection of cation, anion, and substituents.

正确的抗凝治疗能显著地减少大多数房颤患者卒中的发生率。Judicious use of antithrombotic therapy importantly reduces stroke for most patients who have atrial fibrillation.

伴随着这部分支出,授权治理改革将以一种明智的和合法的方式被执行。Conjoined with this disbursal is the mandated change of governance to be carried out in a judicious and legal manner.

范山模水,描眉涂目,都须凭藉理性在较长时间里才能完成的。It was a judicious painting method that took a long time to Execute and was constrained by the shapes of the subject.

与屋顶的木板条互相映衬,外墙则是石骨料灰泥和抹面水泥墙的合理搭配。The external walls are a judicious mix of stone aggregate plaster and polished cement offset with timber on the roofs.

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但是,明智地使用无二义性的通配符,通过提供模式的兼容性,能够帮助最小化服务版本管理的工作。However, judicious use of unambiguous wildcards can help minimize service versioning by providing schema compatibility.

一个明智的人知道如何权衡事情,他不会为了不幸而沮丧不振,也不会为了突如其来的好运而忘乎所以。A judicious person weighs facts carefully, he would not feel dejected for bad news and exult over unpredictable auspicious.

不,爸爸,我不像苏伦那样爱嚼舌头”,她让他放下心来,站开一点,带着有见识的神色端详他重新整理过的服装。No, pa, I'm no tattletale like Suellen, ' she assured him, standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air.