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叶忒罗是属神的还是外邦人?Was Jethro of God or gentile?

他称之为“移位假说。Gentile calls this the "displacement hypothesis.

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神谕就是一脚世界的最古老的制度。Sybils and oracles are the most ancient institutions of the gentile world.

但是,确定已婚妇女的血族名称却成了一种困难。But it is difficult to determine what gentile name was borne by married women.

他希望建立第一个非犹太人或非犹太教徒的教会,在叙利亚的安提俄克。He hoped to establish the first non-Jewish or Gentile Church, in Syrian Antioch.

死在那里的一百多万波兰人,包括犹太人和非犹太人,理应得到更公正的评价。The million-plus Poles, both Gentile and Jewish, who perished there deserve better.

我们注意到保罗宣教团队的成员都是来自外邦的教会。We noticed that the individuals in Paul's teams were members of the gentile church.

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这一区域的野猫可能正在吃鬣蜥蛋及其幼崽,金泰尔猜测。Feral cats in the region could be eating eggs and young iguanas, Gentile speculates.

但是,即连跟我的弟铎,他虽是希腊人,也没有被强迫领受割损。But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Gentile , was compelled to be circumcised.

我们知道,对被征服者的统治,是和。As we know, rule over subjugated peoples is incompatible with the gentile constitution.

百夫长是一个管辖100人的指挥官。他为罗马政府工作。A centurion was a Gentile commander of 100 man government. He worked for the Roman government.

克劳迪奥。詹蒂莱为准备下周和挪威青年队的比赛,征召了19名U-21以下球员。Claudio Gentile has named a 19-man squad for Italy's Under-21 qualifier with Norway next week.

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在优美的外表下,她火一样炙烈燃烧的精神灼热了今夜的舞台。But don't be fooled by her gentile exterior – she really heats up the stage with her fiery spirit.

詹蒂莱订阅它不情愿,但结果他谴责和监禁的作伪证者。Gentile subscribed it reluctantly, but in the upshot he was condemned and imprisoned as a perjurer.

遵从律法,摩西律法,如果你是个外邦人的话,保罗就认为这是个诅咒。Trying to keep the law,the Law of Moses, if you're a Gentile disciple of Jesus is anathema for Paul.

每一个异教民族都有精通这门学问的西比尔。Every gentile nation had its own sybil versed in this science, and we find mention of twelve of them.

第二步是在哥尼流家里,把外邦的信徒浸在圣灵里。The second step was in the house of Cornelius, when the Gentile believers were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

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珍特尔说荧屏时代对学习工作的影响可以通过他所谓的“保护性因素”来减轻。Gentile said the impact of screen time on school work can be mitigated by what he calls "protective factors.

他可能是在路加向他受书之前,已皈依基督教的外邦人。He was probably a Gentile who was converted to Christianity sometime before Luke addressed his Gospel to him.

保罗不希望外邦追随者遵守犹太律法,保罗在罗马书中说律法是好的。Paul did not want his Gentile followers to keep the Jewish law, and Paul said in Romans that the law is good.