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你是偏执狂吗?Are you paranoid?

哇啊哇,中国是妄想狂吗?Wow. Paranoid much China?

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偏执人格障碍?Paranoid personality disorder?

迪恩饱受妄想性焦虑症的折磨。Dean is suffering from paranoid anxiety.

我突然觉醒后便变得多疑。After my awakening, I have become paranoid.

并不需要对所有的程序都如此偏执。Not all applications need to be so paranoid.

毒品也让他的疑心病越来越重。The drug also made him increasingly paranoid.

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但是我的生活正常,我不会神过经过敏。But my life is normal and I can't be paranoid.

虽不至于变成妄想狂,也容易变得敏感。It is easy to become sensitive, not to say paranoid.

我们看上去像爱妄想的雅皮族吗?What?Do we come off as paranoid yuppies or something?

我的一些多疑的支持者们认为我是被某人算计了。My paranoid supporters thought I’d been set up by somebody.

对于我自己呢,我对那些难闻的、发痒的药水有点害怕。For my own head, I’m a tad paranoid about smelly, itchy potions.

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你始终还是那个偏执的少年,不可一世。You are still paranoid that the juvenile. Insufferably arrogant.

一个偏执狂人造人在138个爱因斯坦中挣扎求存的手记。A blog of a paranoid android striving to survive among 138 Einsteins.

在乘坐地铁的过程当中,你是否有过偏执的想法?Do you have paranoid thoughts while travelling on an underground train?

是的,不过政治家们对床下的红酒更多疑。Yes, but politicians were even more paranoid about reds under the beds.

不过,尽管偏执狂风格并不新鲜,但其在共和党中的作用却是新的。But while the paranoid style isn't new, its role within the G. O. P. is.

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之后影片便流向了漫长的歇斯底里桥段。The film that follows amounts to a prolonged bout of paranoid hysterics.

偏执的中国民族主义者可以因为感觉被他们结党针对而被原谅。Paranoid Chinese nationalists could be forgiven for feeling ganged up on.

我父亲患有妄想狂,常感到家里会失窃,所以总是把每扇门都锁上。My father locks every door in the house as he is paranoid about being robbed.