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所有这一切都导致了宗教信仰的死灰复燃。All of this has led to a resurgence of religiosity.

有九个因素促成了这种加尔文主义的复兴Nine Factors Contributing to the Resurgence of Calvinism

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对投资者而言,美元反弹给他们出了一道颇费思量的谜题。For investors, the dollar's resurgence is proving a tricky puzzle.

任何关于体育类节目复兴的话题都必须从橄榄球开始。Any conversation about a sports resurgence must begin with football.

然后,WinRT的引入和COM的卷土重来改变了一切。Then the introduction of WinRT and the resurgence of COM changed everything.

这种部落主义的死灰复燃对外交政策界意味着什么?What does this resurgence of tribalism mean to the foreign policy community?

复兴俄罗斯的感情混合着一种根深蒂固的自卑感。Russi a's sense of resurgence is mixed with a deeply rooted inferiority complex.

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欧元走强及美元走软是豆价午间反弹及最终高收的主要因素。S. dollar were the main contributors to soybeans' midday resurgence and higher close.

然而,不太为人所知的是,中国学术界对儒学的兴趣也开始复兴。What is less well known, however, is the resurgence in interest among academics in China.

但尽管如此,仍然有许多很好的理由来认真对待民粹主义的兴起。But, for all that, there are good reasons for taking the resurgence of populism seriously.

在过去二十年里,这一趋势成为性传播感染在中国死灰复燃的一个主要因素。This trend over the past two decades is a major factor in the resurgence of STIs in China.

我的这只来自波士顿的臭虫被证明是前所未有的复苏的众多臭虫中的一只。My Bostonian bug turned out to be one of many on the forefront of an unprecedented resurgence.

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罗里·法隆在一个关于“俄罗斯的军事威胁卷土重来星期四的讲话发表评论。”Fallon made the comments in a Thursday speech about the threat of "Russia's military resurgence. ""

与此同时在20世纪70年代,美南浸信会出现了一场保守派的复兴。At the same time in the 1970s there was a conservative resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention.

在帕提亚时期,希腊的文化部分地让位于复兴的波斯文化。During the Parthian period, Hellenistic customs partially gave way to a resurgence of Persian culture.

欧辰的深情以及洛熙的痴情,能否挽救心如死灰的夏沫?Uefa Calvin's deep feeling and los herself, she could save enghish heart as the summer foam resurgence?

德国在战后的重新崛起,靠的是一个一个生活在残缺的领土上的普通人。The resurgence of Germany after the war was achieved by each and every person living in a misshaped land.

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由于疗程过短,导致致病菌死灰复燃而引起复发。Because period of treatment is too short, bring about pathogenic bacteria resurgence and cause recrudesce.

乐志勤警告称,从历史上看,美元反弹总是与亚洲市场多年的低迷同时发生。Rosgen warns a resurgence of the U. S. dollar has historically coincided with down years in Asian markets.

但是仅仅由于现金在大把的投入,就认为旅游业正在复苏的边缘是非常草率的。But to think that travel is on the verge of a resurgence in terms of cash being thrown into it is foolhardy.