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插入口咽导气管。B. Insert oropharyngeal airway.

口咽炎及牙部感染同样导致颈部腺病。Oropharyngeal and dental infections can also cause cervical adenopathy.

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观察放疗后口咽黏膜放射反应的情况。The reaction of oral and oropharyngeal mucosa to radiation after radiotherapy was observed.

大部分患者能够很快的恢复口咽部的功能。Patients were able to retain or rapidly regain oropharyngeal function in the majority of cases.

所有这些微生物都是口咽部正常菌群的一部分,生长缓慢、喜好富二氧化碳环境。All are part of the normal oropharyngeal flora are slow growers and prefer a carbon dioxide–enriched atmosphere.

如将男女结合起来,则发现血糖增高可增加口咽癌和食管癌的思维风险。For men and women combined, higher glucose increased the risk of death from oropharyngeal and esophageal cancers.

材料与方法分析24例经手术病理证实的口咽部肿瘤的MRI征象,并与手术和病理结果相对照。Materials and methods The signs of MRI of 24 oropharyngeal tumours were analysed and compared with operative and pathological finding.

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探讨下斜方肌肌皮瓣在晚期口咽根治术后巨大口咽部缺损中的应用。To explore the application of repairing the extensive oropharyngeal defects produced during the ablation of advanced oropharyngeal cancer.

如果人体免疫系统所产生的对抗HPV分子的抗体可以检测出的话,发生口咽癌的几率增加58倍。People whose immune systems had produced detectable antibodies against HPV molecules were 58 times more likely to have oropharyngeal cancer.

使用硬质喉镜辅助经食道超声心动图探针的插入能够减少麻醉患者的口咽粘膜损伤。Rigid Laryngoscope-assisted Insertion of Transesophageal Echocardiography Probe Reduces Oropharyngeal Mucosal Injury in Anesthetized Patients.

有报道新的内镜下胃固定插管术可以避免因为口咽部的通道而导致的内源性失音。A different introducer technique with endoscopically controlled gastropexy is available avoiding oropharyngeal passage with the internal bumper.

这是一个真的趋势,考虑到口咽部肿瘤发生正在以惊人的速度在增加,这种发展趋势引起了人们对该病流行的关注。This is a real trend, and that is why there is concern of an epidemic given that fact that oropharyngeal cancer is increasing at an alarming rate.

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由此可见,鸵鸟味蕾及口咽腔的形态学特点与其摄食和吞咽习性相适应。Thus it can be seen that the distribution of taste bud and morphology of oropharyngeal cavity in ostrich may be adapted to its food intake and gulp behaviour.

依理学检查及病史,致病机转可能肇因于人工口咽气道直接压迫舌尖,进而造成右舌神经末端分支损伤。After reviewing the history, we speculated that the mechanism of nerve injury in this case was a direct compression of the tongue tip by the oropharyngeal airway.

方法对709例新生儿上呼吸道感染患儿咽拭子进行常规细菌培养鉴定,用K-B法测定病原菌耐药性。METHODS Oropharyngeal swabs among 709 cases of respiratory infection neonates were investigated by the routine methods and drug resistance was analyzed by K-B method.

结论经口咽通气管内吸痰法较经鼻腔直接吸痰法效果好,且吸痰过程中不影响氧疗效果。Conclusion Sputum drainage through oropharyngeal airway is more effective than through nasal cavity directly, and it will not affect oxygen therapy during its process.

口咽部肿瘤,有时称之为咽癌,是发生在口的后部称为咽的地方的肿瘤。Oropharyngeal cancer, sometimes referred to as throat cancer, is a cancer that develops in the part of the throat located just behind the mouth, called the oropharynx.

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深入的分析提示这种差别几乎完全是由于喉和扁桃体或口咽癌患者之间生存期的不同。Further analysis revealed that the gap was almost entirely due to differences in survival among patients with cancer of the throat and tonsils, or oropharyngeal cancer.

多分次放射治疗法,与增进口腔口咽癌患者的整体存活率,以及局部区域控制有相关性。Altered fractionation radiotherapy is associated with an improvement in overall survival and locoregional control in patients with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers.

结论在选择合适的手术入路彻底切除肿瘤的前题下,熟练地掌握多种修复方法,择优采用,是恢复良好口咽功能,提高患者术后生活质量的重要保证。CONCLUSION Choosing what is optimum from multiple feasible surgical methods is prerequisite for better oropharyngeal function and quality of life in patients with tonsillar cancer.