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享受美酒,也品尝友谊。He likes wine and enjoys comradeship.

他的耐心护理足以说明他的同志情谊。His patient nursing speaks for his comradeship.

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你们得不到同志之谊,得不到鼓励。You will get no comradeship and no encouragement.

我们在战争年代同舟共济的兄弟情谊是史无前例的。Our comradeship and our brotherhood in war were unexampled.

这个通过运动或游戏培养友情的时代,是极有意义的。The times of comradeship in sports and play are full of meaning.

老年人聚集在交谊厅,为了友谊,也为了一顿热腾腾的午饭。Old people are gathering in the social hall for comradeship and a hot lunch.

波伏娃的乌托邦理想是男女之间的相互作用和情谊关系。Beauvoir's utopian ideal is the reciprocity and comradeship between men and women.

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我们动物要团结一致,在战斗中要有纯洁的同志之谊。And among us animals let there be perfect unity, perfect comradeship in the struggle.

这得看这番暂时的情感里,是否含有生死不渝友谊的萌芽。That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.

从那以后,Buck始终避免再次出现在它失明眼睛所在的那一边,一直到他们同志般友谊的最后,再也没有产生过任何麻烦。Forever after Buck avoided his blind side, and to the last of their comradeship had no more trouble.a

他所渴望的就是他在宪兵连部队的同伴中所感受到的那种接纳和“手足情谊”。That something more was a "comradeship" he found among his accepting comrades in his military police unit.

人活着不仅依靠食物,还需要同志与冒险、追求与发现、服务与分享、爱人与被爱。Not by bread alone, but by comradeship and high adventure, seeking and finding, serving and sharing, loving and being loved.

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在灾难面前,中华民族所体现出的强大民族凝聚力,使人感到了温暖而震撼的力量。All of us feel a strong sense of comradeship for them, and together, are emerging with a stronger sense of national cohesion.

友谊与伙伴关系也包括在了家族联系中,并且他们都能够为了一种幸福与满足的生活而实现他们需要的全部要求。The comradeship and partnership also includes families, and they have all that they could need for a happy and contented life.

这是因为中国与前苏联曾是同志关系,亦称兄弟关系的国家,这种关系比老朋友的关系更为亲密。It is because that China once established comradeship or brotherhood with former Soviet Union, which is closer than friendship.

第四,为维持辅警的团队精神及独特的文化,我筹办了多项官式及联谊活动。Fourthly, realizing the need to maintain comradeship and our unique culture, I have organized official and social functions for the Force.

由于政治权力的高度集中,典型与政治权威的关系往往会发生从同志关系向庇护主义关系的逆转。Due to the highly centered political power, the relationship between examples and political authority will easily transfer from comradeship to aegis.

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安宁,正如战争一般,必然会有同志之谊、成就之感、慷慨之情,以及走向胜利的不屈毅力。Peace , no less than war , must offer a spirit of comradeship , a spirit of achievement , a spirit of unselfishness , and indomitable will to victory.

然而,在经历了这些会谈、担忧和令人不快的决定后,伯南克似乎已经在团队中间塑造出一种彼此和谐同时又具有同志般友爱的氛围。And yet through all the talk, the fear and the rotten choices, Bernanke seems to have cultivated a feeling of comradeship and harmony within the group.

如果我们想得到一份我们都需要的友谊,我们应该卸下防备,某些时候找机会受点伤。We have to lower our defenses and take the chance of being hurt in some way, if we're going to find the companionship and comradeship that we all need.