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我在庭院中除杂草。I weed the yard.

是你把大麻藏在我的屋子里的吧?I know you don't smoke weed.

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我计划今天除院子里的杂草…I plan to weed the yard today.

杂草只不过是长错地方罢了。A weed is only a misplaced plant.

你能帮我给花园除草吗?Will you help me weed the garden?

我拿着锄头来锄草。Let me weed the ground with a hoe.

本种是一根令人讨厌的杂草。This species is a troublesome weed.

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我将除去草坪上的蟋蟀草。I'll weed out crabgrass from a lawn.

罪行的稗草会结出苦果。The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.

晚饭前你该把花园的草除掉。You should weed the garden before supper.

而B现实是吃草机的发明者。Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.

我志愿给医院的花园除草。I volunteered to weed the hospital garden.

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本发明用于除草。The invention is used for eradicating weed.

我得依赖大麻来消弭内心的痛苦和愤懑。I relied on weed to handle my pain and anger.

乔治•巴拉斯以“除草大王”而闻名世界。George Ballas became known as the "Weed King".

除去花园的杂草,我就付给你五美元。Weed the garden and Iwill pay you five dollars.

先生和Ballas的杂草噬魂的发明者。And Mr. Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.

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院子里杂草丛生,煤堆满地。The yard is a wilderness of weed and heaped of coal.

我还以为这花园里的一草一木我都熟悉哩。I thought I knew every weed and blade in this garden.

杂草,就是生长在你不希望看见它们的地方的植物。A weed is any a plant growing where you don't want it.