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他们的确一直在原地打转。They certainly have been dithering.

当竞赛开始时,参赛者紧张不安。The racers were dithering when the race started.

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如果你一直把持不定,将没有解决的方法。There's no solution if you keep dithering around.

她正在犹豫不决,拿不定主意,除非被迫拿主意。She was dithering and wouldn't make up her mind unless forced to.

现在的问题,也是有由那只白蚁最终把木房顶咬烂的问题了。Such dithering is to confidence what termites are to wooden roof beams.

“决策犹疑不定,可能会十分危险。”萨弗斯通说。"Dithering on the decision can be really dangerous, " Safferstone says.

因此认为,计算机显示器以一种抖动的形式显示颜色。In this regard, a computer display uses a form of dithering to display colors.

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政客在一个将令印度摆脱核寒冬的协议上犹豫不决。Politicos are dithering over a deal that will bring India in from the nuclear cold.

仅仅经过几周的犹豫,穆拉利就下定了决心。But Mulally's decision to "make that happen" comes only after several weeks of dithering.

该文对目前采用的遥信去抖方法进行分析,指出不同方法的特点。This paper analyses the methods of subtractive dithering signals, and points out characters of every method.

抖动参数的正确选择直接影响抖动偏频效果。Proper selection of dithering amplitude and frequency of RLG has a direct influence on the effect of dithering bias.

采用防抖动触发器和单稳电路防止抖动和重复动作。The preventative dithering trigger and mono-stability circuit was adopted to prevent dithering and repeated actions.

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抖动是关于颜色混合的技术,使你的作品看起来更圆滑,或者只是创作有趣的材质。Dithering is a technique that blends your colors together, making them look smoother, or just creating interesting textures.

但价格如果出现大幅下跌,或许会改变国会议员的想法并促进协议的达成,因为那将暴露出犹豫的代价。But a bigger drop in prices might change lawmakers' minds and hasten an agreement, as it would expose the costs of dithering.

此外,传动结构中的齿槽间隙可以淹没转子振动幅度,以减小负载的抖动。Moreover alveolus clearances in transmission machine could submerge the rotor's libration so as to decrease loads' dithering.

如何正确识别开关抖动信号,保证SOE不误报、不漏报,是我们需要考虑和解决的问题。It needs to consider and resolve the problem that how to distinguish the dithering signals and ensure the SOE not misinformation.

目的找出加压供氧面罩呼气活门的活门板在高余压状态下发生“抖动”的原因。Objective To find out the reason of "dithering" of exhalation valve plate in pressure oxygen mask under high overpressure condition.

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通过引入影响因子来评价光斑抖动对制导精度的影响。Finally the influence of facula dithering on the guidance precision is estimated using the influence factor for some of aircraft weapons.

巴拉克·奥巴马也许正在竭力抵挡来自各方面的指责,比如说他在阿富汗问题上举棋不定,在医改方面又停滞不前。Barack Obama may be frantically fending off accusations from all sides that he is dithering over Afghanistan and stalling on health reform.

对于如何处置格外偏爱风险资产的地区性银行,德国不能再迟疑不决。Germany must stop dithering over what to do about its Landesbanks – regional institutions that had an unusual predilection for risky assets.