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他又被派去渗透沙俄警局。He was also assigned the duty of infiltrating the Czarist police.

在某些方面,俄罗斯帝国和后来的苏联,是最令人惊异的。In some ways the Russian empire, czarist then Soviet, was the most surprising.

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另一个得利最大的是沙俄,以后延续到苏联。我们都向英勇的苏联太空人致敬。The other country that took greatest advantage of China was czarist Russia and later the Soviet Union.

列宁在选择革命之前曾是沙皇政府治下的刑事辩护律师。Lenin briefly had been a criminal defense lawyer under the czarist government before opting for revolution.

同普鲁士的容克地主和沙皇俄国的贵族地主比起来,中国地主是非常落后的。Compared to Prussian junkers or the landed nobility in czarist Russia, the Chinese landlord was a very backward man.

认为古拉格仅仅是现代化的帝俄流放地是完全错误的。It is simply wrong to maintain that the gulag was nothing more than a modernized version of its czarist predecessor.

自罗曼诺夫王朝以来,沙皇俄国一直在演绎着帝国扩张与空间安全的发展路径。From the Dynasty of Romanoff on, Czarist Russia was following a developing path of imperial expansion and space safety.

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在这个时期里,发生了美国的佩里将军强行打开日本门户、克里米亚战争、印度民族大起义、沙俄向黑龙江流域扩张等一系列事件。It was an era which saw Perry's opening of Japan, the Crimean War, the Indian mutiny, Russian czarist expansion to the Amur.

第二,沙俄时期的版权法直接借鉴了法、德等国的法律,达到了西欧国家的保护水平。Secondly, in czarist Russia, the copyright law imitating directly France and Germany arrived at the level of Western countries.

俄罗斯族,是从18世纪后逐渐从沙皇俄国南迁到中国新疆等地的少数民族。Russian, fromthe18th century gradually moved south from czarist Russia to the Chinese ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and other places.

来到这里,你可以在冬宫的宏伟中享受琼浆,搭船漂过宏伟的运河,一睹沙皇金碧辉煌的财富。You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace, to float down the majestic canals, to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence.

来到这里,你可以在冬宫的宏伟中享受美酒,乘船漂过雄伟的运河,一睹沙皇金碧辉煌的财富。You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace, to float down the majestic canals, to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence.

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19世纪后期,侵略成性、贪得无厌的沙皇俄国在侵占中亚后,又侵占了自古以来就属于中国的帕米尔地区。In the late 19th century, after invading Central Asia, Czarist Russia invaded and occupied the Pamirs which has belonged to China since ancient times.

一天,他读了一篇描述沙皇统治下农奴生活的文章,对照自己周围的情形,他感到中国的现状亦是如此。One day, having read an article about the life of serfs in Czarist Russia, he looked about him and thought that conditions were much the same in China.

但在清朝后期,对边疆少数民族的羁縻政策最终给沙皇俄国的侵略以可乘之机,换来了丧失疆土的恶果。But in the later, the limo policy finally given the czarist government the opportunity to be aggressed, ended in the evil consequence of losing the territory.

要找到1908年之前西伯利亚这片无人居住地区的可靠地图很不容易,但我们找到一份1883年沙皇时期的军用地图,上面没有这座湖。Reliable, pre-1908 maps of this uninhabited region of Siberia are not easy to come by, but we found a czarist military map from 1883 that fails to show the lake.

七国中除加拿大外,其他六国再加上沙俄和奥地利就是当年组织联军的八个国家。Six of these same seven countries, excluding Canada, together with czarist Russia and Austria, constituted the eight powers that formed the allied forces in those days.

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沙皇俄国时代对犹太人的屠杀,正是这种冰山顶上的一角,它所揭示的正是这一政权本身已经完全腐烂,结果,很快它就在革命的风暴中无影无踪。The anti-Jewish pogroms in Czarist Russia were but the tip of the iceberg which revealed the inherent rottenness of the regime which was soon to disappear in the storm of revolution.

他还说尽管不可能很快在俄罗斯建立民主国家,但与西方民主相比,俄罗斯的民主状况在一些方面要优于西方。He contended that while it is impossible to build democracy swiftly after centuries of czarist and communist rule, Russian democracy compares favorably in some ways to that of the West.

他的父亲在沙皇俄国是一个民主党人,他是一个改革家,当时布尔什维克党在1919年统治者俄国,他们家在那之后很快就离开俄国。His father was a democrat in czarist Russia, and he was quite a reformer. At the time that the Bolsheviks took over in 1919, there was a brief window of time prior to the family's flight.