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足球还是水球?Football or polo?

他喜欢打马球。He likes playing polo.

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他打马球打得很好。He can play polo very well.

马可波罗称为煤黑石头。Polo called coal black stones.

G全称的含义是成功的马球运动。Victory horse polo game V. H. P.

直到智利,北极和上海!Fino al Cile, Polo Nord e Shanghai!

马球看起来很难学。Polo seems very difficult to learn.

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下星期有一场水一场水球比赛。There is to be a polo game next week.

这个水球队阵容很强。This water polo team is a strong one.

咱们交个友人好吗?Let us visit workshop, polo homme, OK?

这里也有大象马球,But there's also elephant polo as well,

你骑马的地方还有马球,There's also polo where you ride around

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他有时间也有钱去打马球。He has both the time and the money to play polo.

游泳,跳水,花游,水球决赛。Swimming, diving, synchronized swimming & water polo.

在赛伦塞斯特公园马球俱乐部,凯特在看威廉玩马球。Kate watches William play at Cirencester Park Polo Club.

曼尼普尔邦的英国人6,在1846年为马球订立了规则。Polo was systematized in 1846 by the British in Manipur.

这方面包括柔道,羽毛球和水球。These include sessions of judo, badminton and water polo.

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你的上半身就是你的浮漂,也就像那个水球。Your upper torso—your buoy—is just like that water polo ball.

由于水球队表演欠佳,罗伯托被解雇了。Roberto was fired after the water polo team had been below par.

令大家吃惊的是,汤姆的球队在水球队比赛中输了。To their great surprise,Tom's team was defeated in the polo game.