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他是个不懂礼貌的家伙。He is an impertinent young guy.

那家伙真是个傲慢无礼的笨蛋。What an impertinent idiot that man is!

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但愿他们别死皮赖脸地跟着我们。I hope they are not so impertinent as to follow us.

每个人都认为Jimmy只是个没有耐心,不听话的孩子。Each man thinks Jimmy is just an impertinent and disobedient kid.

她脸上表现出有些近乎无礼的嘲弄的表情。His face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air- Lawrence Durrell.

要理解,我们不会因此而对你抱有成见,或者认为这种态度很无礼。Understand that we do not hold this against you or find this attitude to be impertinent.

我曾经暗自庆幸,我不会出言不逊也不会为言语所伤。I ever felicitate myself secretly that I won't make impertinent remarks or be hurt by them.

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如果以日本的前任第一夫人为标准,鸠山幸的举止近乎于无礼。Judged by the standards set by previous Japanese first ladies, it borders on the impertinent.

他是我的造物,抿灭他无关紧要的悲伤,与我同在他应欢悦,自然向他如是说。Nature says, -- he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me.

可怜的杰佩托拼命要把鼻子截短,可他越是截,这个鼻子就毫不客气地变得越是长。Poor Geppetto kept cutting it and cutting it, but the more he cut, the longer grew that impertinent nose. In.

这个窗口弹得多了点,让用户觉得比较烦,这是一个行销方式的不恰当。This window is played bit morer, let an user feel more irritated, this is means of a be on sale is impertinent.

我们还要有多久坐在走廊中,实行这些无聊的陈规陋习,弄得任何工作都荒诞不堪,还要有多久呢?How long shall we sit in our porticoes practising idle and musty virtues, which any work would make impertinent?

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最后欧文忍无可忍,大吼一声,猛然攻向林子里那无礼的骑士。Finallly, Owen could stand it no longer. With a battle cry, he charged into the Wood after the impertinent knight.

一旦他说话时口齿不清了,他会被叫作小婴儿,而当以小大人的口吻回答时,他又会被指无礼。If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent.

这些鲁莽的问题很明显不适合放到一个好的电视节目中播出,至少在星期日晚上的黄金时段很不适合。It'sclear that such impertinent questions don't make for good television, at leastnot in prime time Sunday evening.

接着我十二万分仔细地研究他乱来监督的形式、方法和主要的特征。And then I scrutinized , with a minute scrutiny, the forms, and the methods, and the leading traits of his impertinent supervision.

前个星期我在头上找到两根白发,一只鲁莽的乌鸦在我的右眼下面留下了微小的脚爪印。I found two grey hairs in my head the week before last, and an impertinent crow has planted a delicate impression of his foot under my right eye.

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窦如知和李倓言语不和发生争执,窦如知出言不逊侮辱林致,李倓怒不可遏,剑指窦如知,要他下跪道歉。Known as sinus and Li Tan words do not dispute, known as sinus Lin Li quiet make impertinent remarks insulting, furious, as he wins the sinus, kneel to apologize.

很多系统和服务都可以侵入账号都归因于不安全和不恰当的密码,有些病毒软件和蠕虫病毒可以猜测出较简单的密码。A lot of systems and service can invade Zhang date ascribe is insecure with impertinent password, some virus software and vermian virus can guess a simpler password.

自然而然地,你会把它留给专业的财金记者去过滤某家公司的数据,对比结果并叫来财务经理质问那些尖锐无比的问题。Quite sensibly, you will leave it to financial journalists to sift a company's data, compare results and call up the financial director to ask impertinent questions.