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“灵魂”与“思”在这个问题上相互规定,彼此等价。"Soul" and "thinking" prescribe and are equal to each other reciprocally.

它打开诚实的渠道,以便情感能相互地流动。It opens channels from heart to heart so that feelings can flow reciprocally.

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作为回报,事奉的人希望他的学生对他有同样的情感。And reciprocally the minister hopes to invoke like affectionsin one's students.

当蔗糖含量增加时,相反的,己糖和部分氨基酸含量下降。While sucrose increased, hexoses and specific amino acids decreased reciprocally.

习俗和思想的历史是渗透在大事的历史里的,反过来也是如此。The history of manners and ideas permeates the history of events, and this is true reciprocally.

计算机仿真给出了比例增益与往返程时滞之间的反比关系。Computer simulation shows that the proportional gain is dependent on the round-trip time reciprocally.

磨辊互相交叉,轴向游动,可减少纵向条状疵点。Sueding rollers cross reciprocally and move in the axial direction to minimize the lengthwise streaky.

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相反,入库单成交,表明增加WNT1表达Wnt和入库单相互调节彼此。Conversely, GRN knockdown increased WNT1 expression, demonstrating that Wnt and GRN reciprocally regulate each other.

我们称为知识或科学的总体概括是一张相互指点,相互教导的思想之网。The total summation we call knowledge or science is a web of ideaspointing to, and reciprocally educating each other.

此外,在负载与潜变之循环时相变化与逆相变化会反复地接续发生。Intriguingly, phase transformation and its reverse transformation take place reciprocally in a loading and creeping cycle.

酶活的高低与藻蓝素含量和光照强度成反相关。The level of nitrogenase activity was correlated reciprocally with the content of cell phycocyanin and the light intensity.

信息技术飞速发展的今天,全球经济、文化相互影响、渗透、交融。With the rapid development of information technology, the global economy and culture are influenced, permeated, blended reciprocally.

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时间和空间本是小说的两个相互依存、相互转化、相互交叉的因素,共存于文本中。Time and Space are two factors that are complimentary with and reciprocally transformed to each other. In this way, they coexist in the text.

生态城市是人、自然、环境融为一体,互惠共生,和谐发展的城市。Ecological city is such an urban that is the combination of human, nature and environment, reciprocally accreting and harmoniously developing.

由于不存在现成的词语,所以如果我们制造一些新词诸如把有舵的事物作为舵的相关者,那么我们的界定也许会更加精确。If we express ourselves thus accurately, at any rate the terms are reciprocally connected, for the 'ruddered' thing is 'ruddered' in virtue of its rudder.

师生之间若能保持此二者的状态,便能够彰显出相互诠释和理解的教育经验之本质。The status of edification would make teachers and students interpret and understand reciprocally , then it could present the essence of educational experience.

从将话语活动视为策略性活动的角度看,对其具有制约作用,三者之间的功能互相渗透。The functions of locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts are reciprocally penetrated from the perspective that the speech activity is regarded as a strategic one.

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该方法设计了自适应协同聚生追踪协议,通过在各监控代理间交互查询消息来实现监控代理间的协同追踪和攻击路径重构。In this method an adaptive-collaborative-aggregative tracing protocol was designed which could exchange simple and safe query messages reciprocally between monitoring Agents.

本文认为,艺术教育中审美关系构成的基点是审美主体心意与艺术形式双向交往与互相生成构造的过程。As results, it was proposed that the key component of the aesthetic constitution be a process where the aesthetic subject and the art form interact and constitute reciprocally.

回路矩阵是一个资源有向图全部资源回路的代数描述,并且它与补集及T-特征向量矩阵相互等价。Circle matrix is the algebraic description of all the resource circles in a directed graph, and equivalence reciprocally to that one of complementary set and T-characteristic vector.