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高迪喜欢几何。Gaudí loved geometry.

剩下的部分都在那儿?Ok, what's the geometry say?

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这是几何构型决定。This is the instant geometry.

复流形几何。Geometry of complex manifolds.

平面几何的学习是有趣的。Plane geometry is fun to study.

几何学是数学的一个分科。Geometry is a branch of mathematics.

他了解几何和代数。He comprehends geometry and algebra.

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学生害怕几何证明题。The students frightened geometry proofs.

现在,我们开始匹配一些几何形。We are ready now to match some geometry.

节点控制几何体的形态。Nodes that control the shape of geometry.

使用天空盒制造出“假”遥远的几何体。Use sky boxes to "fake" distant geometry.

他的想法就是将几何学应用在力学上。His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics.

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与你作别,不问曾经伤痛几何。And you say goodbye, not once hurt geometry.

我认为几何是一门难学的课程。I feel that geometry is a difficult subject.

简上几何课时简直如坠五里雾中。Jane was beyond her depth in geometry class.

属于或关于毕达哥拉斯或他的几何学的。Of or relating to Pythagoras or his geometry.

你的几何项目选好搭档了吗?Did you get a partner for the geometry project?

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最后还有我们的几何老师莎莉。Lastly, there's Sally, our teacher of geometry.

玛丽。马塔萨琳教我代数和几何。Mary Matassarin taught me algebra and geometry.

下面会有一个初等几何的回顾.There is a review of elementary geometry below.