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他俩打得火热。They two are enamored.

别被手机迷花了双眼,"他说。"Don't become totally enamored by the phone," he said.

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这就是开始时我为什么如此喜爱这个主意的原因。That’s why I was so enamored of the idea to begin with.

对于男人会被女人魅惑到何种程度,我一直都有些惊讶。I’m always kind of surprised by how enamored men are by women.

尽管如此,我仍然将宗教看作一种习俗来迷恋。Still, I remained enamored of religion itself as an institution.

西方的左派被书中马克思主义的反美论调所倾倒。Western leftists were enamored with its Marxist anti-Americanism.

滥好人都太执着于试图让每个人都进来。Overly nice guys are too enamored with trying to get everyone involved.

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他说他以前曾经迷恋常春藤名校文凭的“威望”。He says he had grown enamored with the 'prestige' of an Ivy League degree.

我们国家倾向于采用血管成形术或支架带来的好处。We in this country have been enamored of the benefits of angioplasty and stents.

当Ben还是学龄前儿童的时候,他迷恋玩搭积木和其他建筑材料。When Ben was a preschooler, he was enamored with Lego blocks and other construction materials.

约翰·罗尔夫,一位英国移民,爱上了印第安公主波卡罕特丝并且与她结婚。John Rolfe, an English settler, became enamored of the Indian princess Pocahontas and married her.

在战争期间苏格拉底就睡在他的旁边,并在战场上救了他。Socrates sleeps by him during the war, becomes enamored with him and saves him on the battlefield.

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作为一个公司,它能这样专注于算法和结构研究,并且让用户来掌控吗?Can a company so enamored with the power of algorithms and machine learning, let the user take control?

还有,如果你想我们一样迷恋这些小树屋,你可以去看看我们列出的10佳树屋设计哟。Also, if you’re as enamored with tree houses as we are, check out our list of 10 amazing tree house designs.

整个采访过程中,我们无时无刻不被他那发自内心的灿烂微笑所打动。Throughout the interview, not a single moment was past without we being enamored of his sincere smiling face.

候测试员也变得倾心于覆盖率,虽然他们的兴趣没有那么高,而且结束得也快。Testers sometimes also become enamored of coverage, though their romance tends to be less fervent and ends sooner.

迷恋比萨魅力的人回答说不对,那完全要看配料以及准备功夫的程度而定。Not true, respond those enamored of pizza's charms. It all depends on the ingredients and how well they are prepared.

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拉米雷斯越来越沉醉于他所创造的恐怖行为,并且总是用媒体给他的“夜行者”的名字。Ramirez became further enamored of the terror he had created and of the name the media had given him "The Night Stalker."

但是买家们很迷恋这个地方以至于他们又买下了托莱多一块更大的滨水地区,名字叫码头区。But they've become so enamored they just bought an even bigger parcel of the city's waterfront, called the Marina District.

这是大师希区柯克的惊悚作品,我们实在无法不被格雷斯·凯利所穿的令人惊异的衣服所迷住。While this movie is a Hitchcock thriller, it’s impossible to avoid being enamored with the amazing wardrobe worn by Grace Kelly.