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我的名字是贝蒂·里克森。My name's Betty Rixon.

疯狂的贝蒂是一个女巫。Batty Betty is a witch.

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贝蒂是我的老情人。Betty was my old flame.

蓓蒂穿着很漂亮。Betty dresses very nicely.

蓓蒂是第一个来的。Betty was the first to come.

我行走。贝蒂行走去学校。I walk.Betty walks to school.

周玲安戏剧演出视频!Betty Zh betty ou Acting Video!

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贝蒂爱好读故事书。Betty likes reading storybooks.

贝蒂波特买黄油。Betty Botter bought some butter.

但在贝蒂给面包圈涂上黄油之前。But ago Betty butters the bagel.

贝蒂和比尔Blando都已退休了。Betty and Bill Blando are retired.

但在贝蒂给面包圈涂上黄油之前But before Betty butters the bagel

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这是一只很特别的瓢虫,贝蒂。It's a very special ladybug betty.

贝蒂?巴特买了一些奶油。Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.

我叫贝蒂瑞克森,我是美国人。My name's Betty Rixon. I'm American.

我曾经看了一部贝蒂·格拉布尔的电影。I once saw a movie with Betty Grable.

贝蒂和托尼打算做什么?。What tare Betty and Tony going to do?

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贝蒂正向埃迪暗送秋波。Betty was making sheep 's eyes at Eddy.

贝蒂建议在校刊中包含什么?。What does Betty in the school magazine?

贝蒂先是一怔,而后笑了起来。Betty shook off her surprise and laughed.