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英国女诗人罗塞蒂.C.G。Chtistina Georgina Rossetti. British poetess.

而且经过我详尽的研究,你也不用担心你的问题了。乔治娜?。And, uh, based on my exhaustive research, So are you. Georgina?

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人们说“爱”所向无敌,也许“爱”从来没有遇见过G。They say love conquers all, but maybe love never meet Georgina Sparks.

他指出乔治娜此举更可能让人们远离她的商店。He suggested Georgina would more likely put people off visiting her shop.

家住在牛津郡内托贝的乔治娜。史密斯女士派猫头鹰给我送了一封信,提了一个很常见的问题。Mrs Georgina Smyth of Nettlebed in Oxfordshire has sent an owl with an all too common problem.

她一直害怕自已和狄更斯的关系被揭穿,但是她可以不需要担心乔治亚会泄露秘密。She lived in fear of her relationship with Dickens being exposed, but on Georgina she could always rely.

是啊,他人挺好的,吉他弓单得也不错。看来你对乔治娜的事看的挺开的。Yeah, he's a good kid. good guitar player, too. So you're being pretty open-minded about this georgina thing.

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卡尔德隆的能源部长乔治娜·凯塞尔,将气候变化称为“21世纪的最大挑战。”Calderon's energy minister, Georgina Kessel, calls climate change "the greatest challenge of the 21st century."

马提尼酒不错吧?我听说,你和瑟琳娜的初识,是在她和乔治娜共度的某个臭名昭著之夜。The martinis are great, right?So I heard you, uh, first met Serena On one of her infamous nights with Georgina.

我有两个礼拜没有乔治娜的消息了。如果你不再打电话给我,我就终于摆脱所有我讨厌的人了,拜拜。I haven't heard from Georgina in two weeks. So if you'd stop calling me, I'd finally be rid of all of my monsters. bye.

女儿嫁给了西城男孩尼基·柏恩的前总理伯蒂·埃亨向盖特利表示了哀悼。The former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, whose daughter Georgina is married to Nicky Byrne of boyband Westlife, paid tribute to Gately.

笑一笑而忘掉,比愁眉苦脸地记住要好得多。英国女诗人罗塞蒂。Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. --Chtistina georgina rossetti. british poetess.

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这是个劝入教的派对。我不敢相信,乔治娜开了这个聚会,还邀请了她在这儿的所有朋友,为了把可怜新生转入基督教门下。This is a conversion party. I can't believe it. Georgina threw this party And invited all her friends here To convert the vulnerable freshmen.

根据尼龙在线的消息,本剧制片人准备在下一集“黑色圣诞”中让蜜雪儿·崔倩柏格回归乔治娜·斯帕克角色。According to Nylon Online, the series' producers are planning to bring back the "Black Christmas" star to reprise her role as Georgina Sparks for the teen drama's upcoming episode.

但是36岁的理查德-乔伊娜,以宗教原因拒绝了。后来当听到法官称如不能看到她的面部表情,将不取信于她的证据时。理查德女士才勉强答应。" georgina richards, 36, initially refused for religious reasons but reluctantly agreed when she was told that her evidence would possibly not be accepted if her "facial expressions" were not visible.