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他举起胳臂。He uplifted his arm.

通过和你的相处,他们有没有感觉到自我的提升?Do they feel uplifted by coming in contact with you?

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也正因为有它,我才感觉自己能更接近现实,昂首面对生活。I feel close to the earth with it. Yet face uplifted.

爸爸注视着那只伸出来的爪子,下巴发颤。Dad's lower jaw trembled as he stared at the uplifted paw.

乔其说。她正抬头看着远处的一朵云头,一片银海里的一块红色的海岛。She was looking with uplifted face at a far-off cloud, a red island in a sea of silver.

白驹过隙。胡须瞬间刺破嘴唇的皮肤。青春高扬着旗帜猎猎捕风。How time flied. The beard stung the lips, and youth uplifted the flaps in the strong wind.

然后,巨大的陨石留在撞击中心,变成一块隆起的巨大岩石。In deep, large craters, the rock in the center rebounds, creating a dome of uplifted rock.

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但是这些都将被提高,体现出一种更高的和谐振动水准。What does will be uplifted in a form that is in harmony with the higher vibrational levels.

在空中,时隐时现地浮现出许多狰狞的面孔和向上指着的苍白的手。Then I saw ghostly faces and white uplifted hands floating in the air- and then disappearing.

大面积的餐台玉石面,必须竖抬,避免餐台断裂。The large bowlder surface of dinner table must be uplifted vertically in avoidance of breakage.

在最新构造活动的影响下,河流阶地普遍发生变形,遭受抬升。These terraces have been mostly folded and uplifted since the active tectonics in late Cenozoic.

海城地震就发生在中部隆起带的较陡的东南坡上。The Haicheng Earthquake occurred on the steeper southeastern slope ofthe central uplifted region.

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准平原及壶穴最后被抬升到山地的顶部,构成了山地夷平面。As the ancient plain uplifted , it formed the mountain erosion surface with the potholes on its surface.

建立一个统一的佛教文化的力量,振奋了人民摆脱战争和到隋。Buddhism created a unifying cultural force that uplifted the people out of war and into the Sui Dynasty.

远古的海床上升并受到侵蚀之后,形成了这些山,无数的诗歌和绘画曾受到它的启迪。These hills, inspiration for much poetry and art, formed from the erosion of an ancient uplifted seabed.

在西太平洋中,星球地势起伏的对称受到破坏,那里的地球体表面受到抬升。The symmetry of the planetary relief is broken in the western Pacific where the geoid surface is uplifted.

因为我曾起誓应许将这地赐与你们的列祖。这地必归你们为业。Because I swore with uplifted hand to give it to your forefathers , this land will become your inheritance.

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美国的领袖们,被这条令人愉快的消息所鼓舞,在同一年创立了美国反奴隶制度协会。The american leaders, uplifted by the glorious news, founded the american anti-slavery society the same year.

只有这样,才能提高高校干部人事工作的整体水平。Only by these can the overall level of personnel work of cadres in institutions of higher learning be uplifted.

如果你在专注目标时并不感到兴奋,就干脆改天再进行练习。If you don’t feel uplifted at the thought of focusing on your goals, you might as well not do the exercise today.