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当此国家危急之秋,我们需要坚强的领导。At this conjuncture in our nation's affairs, we need firm leadership.

我想我是一个乐观的人,而且相信转机之后一定会有勃勃生机。What is it behind conjuncture?For optimistical people, it is a favourable turn.

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新的生产和消费模式出现了,这些全都是形势的一部分。New forms of production and consumption. All of those are part of the conjuncture.

这种辩证法日积月累,有朝一日,终于达到被定义为绝对知识。This dialectic is convergent and attains the conjuncture defined as absolute knowledge.

因此地面与地下的连接通道则成了空间环境转换的主角。Therefore, the conjuncture of ground and underground become the main character of spatial conversion.

为应对另一场能源危机,我们应制订一个现实可行的应急预案。We must make a practical and doable lash-up forecast to cope with other conjuncture of energy sources.

中国武术的文化危机正在形成,并且有加剧不懈的倾向。The conjuncture of the Chinese martial arts' culture is coming into being with the tendency of pricking up.

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同时城市化进程的盲目性也引起了人们对耕地危机的关注。At the same time, blindness of cities' process also causes people's attention to cultivated land conjuncture.

它是为了解决生态危机和生态犯罪问题,而从生态学角度对传统刑事法律关系的重构。That is a reconstruction in the point of view of ecology for solving the ecological conjuncture and ecological commit.

只有研究和把这些关系化为理论,才能理解这形势是怎么回事和它如何运作。And only in studying and theorizing the relations do you understand what the conjuncture is about, and how it's working.

日益严峻的全球生态危机要求人类反思自己的价值取向。The whole world ecological conjuncture is more and more austerity that it requests human think their temper of worthiness.

基韦诺裂谷位于三个不同块体的拼接位上,周边存在明显的岩石圈结构不连续界面。The Keweenawan Rift is located at the triple conjuncture of three blocks and there were discontinuous boundaries of lithospheres.

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中国、印度、墨西哥等几个大的发展中国家会比较顺利地渡过难关。Several large developing countries, including China, India, and Mexico, are expected to weather the difficult conjuncture relatively well.

我国自2003年“非典”引起的公共危机以来,城市安全管理和应急机制建设被提到了重要议程。Since the public conjuncture by the "SARS "in China in 2003, the management of urban security and the construction of emergency mechanism were placed on the important agenda.

正如我说过,文化研究的任务是要分析,找出需用的理论资源和方法去分析形势的复杂性。As I have said, the work of cultural studies is to analyze, to find the theoretical resources and the methodological tools necessary to analyze the complexity of the conjuncture.

四大高校的机构建设即其建筑系和规划系的合并引起质疑,由此引发了人们的广泛关注。Much of this has been aroused by institutional developments in four of the leading universities where the conjuncture of architecture and planning departments was called into question.

在当今世界能源危机加剧之下,能源储存变得尤为重要,而深部空间用作能源储存具有安全性高等许多有利因素。Nowadays, energy conjuncture is obviously, energy storage become more and more vital. There are many advantaged factors such as high safety on deeply space as a medium for energy storage.

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简单与复杂、变革与稳定、安全感与危机感是管理实务中管理者不可回避的三个棘手问题。Simplification and complication, change and stabilization, the sense of safety and conjuncture are the three puzzled issues which are found in the practice of management on the basis of real cases.