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像这样全市性停工的情况是大部分人从没有意料到的。The occasion for the citywide shutdown was an event most expect never to see again.

甚至在1900年世博会之前,巴黎市便有了修建一条长17公里的全市移动人行道系统的提议。Even before the 1900 expo, there had been proposals for a citywide system 17 kilometres long.

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这些城市的弹性问题应该在强大的东湖公共空间战略中体现。These citywide resiliency issues should be reflected in a strong Donghu public space strategy.

新泽西州纽瓦克的市长想搞一个全市计划,增强居民身体素质。The mayor of Newark, New Jersey, wants to set up a citywide program to improve residents'health.

东莞教育、公安部门将对此在全市展开专项整治活动。Education and police departments will carry out a citywide special program to address the problem.

于是,全市交通系统就将成为我们模型的企业级、0层级和起点。Thus the citywide traffic system would be our enterprise, our level 0 and the beginning of our model.

影片讲述了来自三所纽约公立学校的11岁学生参加全市舞蹈比赛的故事。It tells the story of 11-year-old students in three New York public schools competing in a citywide dance.

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昨天,北京在全市范围内开展了一项以规范道路交通为目的的行动,包括整治十项交通陋习。A citywide campaign to regulate traffic began yesterday in Beijing, with 10 fine-incurring violations named.

当我们的女儿妮是高中的初级生时,她就开始在全是范围作称之为神圣边缘的祷告义工。When our daughter Nicole was a junior in high school she started a citywide prayer ministry called Sacred Edge.

对于城市范围的项目,经注册的制图人可以享有制作该区域绿地图的独占权利。For citywide projects, registered Mapmakers have the exclusive right to the production of Green Maps in the area.

除了斗牛和全市番茄大战,西班牙还以许多奇怪群组活动闻名。Between running with bulls and citywide tomato fights, Spain is known for a variety of eccentric group activities.

城市范围内的运动正在展开,试图遏制在公共场所吐痰,劝阻市民说脏话和乱丢垃圾并鼓励排队。Citywide campaigns are trying to curb public spitting, discourage public cursing and littering and also promote lining up.

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但是,空气中的微粒污染却更严重了,因为全市各处都是正在施工的建筑工地,没有丝毫放慢施工的迹象。But fine-particle pollution has been exacerbated by a staggering citywide construction binge that shows no signs of letting up.

全城范围内寻找朱利安金的安珀警戒已启动。警方正重点搜查哈德森母亲住所的附近地区。A citywide AMBER Alert is in effect for Julian King, but officials are focusing on the immediate vicinity of Hudson's mother's home.

事实上全市都为此进入儿童丢失警报状态,但是警方目前还是将寻找重点放在H母亲家附近。A citywide AMBER Alert is in effect for Julian King, but officials are focusing on the immediate vicinity of Hudson 's mother's home.

晚上第一站是为设计师维克多罗夫在第五大街萨克斯百货举办的全市范围的时尚晚宴派对。The first stop that night was a party for the designers Viktor &Rolf at Saks Fifth Avenue for the citywide Fashion’s Night Out event.

该组织逐渐获得发展,还倡导改善全纽约城餐馆员工的工作环境,并为那些寻找餐饮业工作机会的人员提供培训。It has expanded to advocate for improved working conditions for restaurant workers citywide and to train those seeking employment in restaurants.

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纽约市交通协会号召针对选定的两条私人公交线路的罢工,但至少眼下推迟了一场即将爆发的全市停工。New York city's Transit Union calls for a selective strike against two private bus lines, putting off a crippling citywide shutdown at least for now.

但除此以外,还有其他的例子,那里的人更选择在这件事,希望政府授权的交通灯摄影机或全市监视。But there are other examples of where people have even less choice in the matter, like government-mandated traffic light cameras or citywide surveillance.

绿道项目的多换乘点交通规划是非常好的第一步,但是在后续的阶段,需要进行城市层面的进行更广泛的考量。The multi-nodal mobility planning of the Greenway project is an excellent first step, but future phases will need to consider a broader citywide perspective.