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小乖乖把自己弄疼了吗?Did it hurt itself?

有树自能生根。A tree roots itself.

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我把自己缩成一团。I put huddled itself.

呵呵,就是万维网本身。Well, the web itself.

变自生变。Change changes itself.

它自成一域。It is a domain itself.

它让自己合理的永存。It perpetuates itself.

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去掉GIL本身。Remove the GIL itself.

它包含着生活本身。It involves life itself.

这工作本身不难。The work itself is easy.

他显得很凄伤的样子。He looked sadness itself.

其中一个是肌肉自身因素。One is the muscle itself.

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那只湿淋淋的狗猛摇身体。The wet dog shook itself.

这个设想本身就有销路。The idea will sell itself.

正义必将得到申张。Justice will assert itself.

马用后腿直立站起来。The horse reared itself up.

你的大脑会自己备份。Your brain backs itself up.

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它们本身就是存在的。It exists in and for itself.

人体自身再生。The body regenerates itself.

该飞镖不能养活自己。The dart cannot feed itself.