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军事化的经济背景正在改变。The economic backdrop to militarization is changing.

显然你没有意识到太空的军事化。Obviously you are unaware of the militarization of space.

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日本的军事化导致专制统治及侵华。Militarization of Japan, leading to autarchy, and war in China.

在布尔什维克的俄罗斯,劳动力军事化是一个典型案例。The militarization of labour in BolshevikRussia is a case in point.

舍区治安保卫实行军事化管理。Shed area public security security implementation militarization management.

他认为,日本整个国家都已走向军国主义化。He believed that the whole country of Japan had been on the way to militarization.

但是非洲国家的领导和人民都非常害怕美国非洲政策的新殖民主义军事化。African leaders and populations were so fearful of the neocolonial militarization of U.S.

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公司采用半军事化的管理模式,同时质量也保证在国内领先水平。Semi- militarization of the company management, quality assurance in the leading domestic level.

吐蕃东扩是吐蕃王朝前期军事化体制的必然产物。Tubo regime's expansion is the inevitable outcome of militarization system of Tubo regime in earlier stage.

随着空间军事化的迅猛发展,空间力量作为未来战争的一个重要角色正出现在战争舞台上。With the rapid militarization of space, space force plays a more and more important role in future tech-war.

军事化自汉末、曹魏直到南朝,有逐渐加强的趋向。The militarization became stronger step by step from the end of Hah dynasty, CaoWei to the southern dynasties.

顾虑焦点是美国军事化的对伊拉克外交政策,以及隐蔽的控制动机。The worries center on the militarization of US foreign policy à la Iraq, and on ulterior, controlling motives.

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这是明中后期地方军事化区别于晚清地方军事化的一个主要特征。It is one of the main features of local militarization between the late Ming dynasty and the late Qing dynasty.

七十年月军事化办理渗入各个范畴,全平易近皆兵。In the 1970s', the militarization had penetrated into the whole nation and all the people were regarded as soldiers.

陈求发表示,中国坚决反对搞外空军备竞赛,决不参与太空竞赛,中国此次绕月探测工程也没有任何军事目的。China is firmly against the militarization of outer space, and will never engage in a space arms race of outer space.

执政精英们在过去60多年间在少数民族人民的土地上急剧扩大了军事化的规模。The ruling elites have drastically expanded militarization in the lands of the ethnic people for the past sixty years.

联邦拨款鼓励了执法机构的军事化,从而导致公民自由被更严重地践踏。Federal grants have encouraged the militarization of law enforcement, which has led to great damage to civil liberties.

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中国空军高官许其亮近期称,外空军事化不可避免。Senior official Xu Qiliang of the Chinese Air Force said recently that the militarization in outer space is inevitable.

面对动荡不安的政局,垄断资产阶级唯一的办法依靠军事化复苏。Faced with a turbulent political situation, the only way the monopoly bourgeoisie to rely on the militarization of recovery.

李鸿章所要进行的事业是想让中国工业化,军事化,教育化,但他只成功了一半。Li cause to be undertaken is to make China's industrialization, militarization and education, but he has only half the battle.