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Zigi本哈伊姆创造了三联混合媒体。Zigi Ben Haim created the triptych of mixed media.

这三项活动包括教育、信息和研究。This triptych consisted of education, information and research.

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但是它也和圣徒芭芭拉的三张相联,我的姊妹芭芭拉去和我自己。But it also goes with the triptych of Saint Barbara, my sister Barbara and myself.

在展览尽头的是三幅一联图片纪念哥伦比亚号太空穿梭机及其船员。A triptych toward the end of the show memorializes the space shuttle Colombia and its crew.

教堂右侧挂著鲁本斯的三联式祭坛画「耶稣被移下十字架」。Inside the cathedral to the right is Rubens triptych altarpiece, The Descent from the Cross.

这件三联画对偶发自然和自由意志之间的关系提出了疑问。The question mark in the triptych is in the relationship between chance nature and free will.

红十字会与三联鸡蛋是尼古拉二世1915年送给妻子亚历山德拉的。Red Cross with Triptych egg Nicholas II presented it to his wife Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna on Easter 1915.

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这是三联画中的第一张,也可视为独立完整的作品。This is the first piece of a triptych where each creation can be regarded also as a completely independent work.

虽然乍一看这幅三联画表现的主题似乎极为宽泛,但事实上它们是有内在联系的,因为圣克里斯多夫是火绳枪兵的守护圣徒。Although at first sight the themes presented in the triptych seem extremely wide-ranging, they are actually linked, for St Christopher was the Arquebusiers' patron saint.

特别是这部因为这三个大事都不需要一个最后的答案或结论,而它们需要更多多样性和深厚的反思。This is especially true in the case of Sichuan Triptych because these three events do not require a final answer or conclusion. What they call for is more diversity and depth in reflection.