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警方认为那是蓄意谋杀。WILFUL】The police think that it was a willful murder.

陪审团宣判此案中第一位接线员故意玩忽职守。A jury convicted the first operator of willful neglect.

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不知甲流还要肆虐多久!Do not know how long the AH1N1 flu willful persecution!

当然,有一些是带有故意欺骗的性质。Now, certainly, there is a bit of willful fakery at work.

不过,她是个意志力很坚强的女孩,完全听不进我的话。However, she is a willful girl and would not listen to me.

任性的孩子不管你说什么,他都不听。WILFUL】The willful child would not listen to whatever you say.

他们的性格坦诚、直率,但往往以自我为中心,并且任性妄为。They tend to be frank and open but also self-centered and willful.

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还可能存在“故意侵权”的附加风险。There's also the added risk of something called "willful infringement."

一起刑事案件需要一个较强的故事,以及一个恣意妄为的主角。A criminal case requires a stronger narrative—and a willful protagonist.

不过,欧洲财政紧缩还反映出对经济形势故意做出的错误诊断。But European austerity also reflected willful misdiagnosis of the situation.

用它给干性肌解渴,简直是一种骄纵。Gives with it does myo- relieves thirst, is one kind of arrogant and willful simply.

当然,从法律上来说,他们会因“故意违法行为”或者明显的视而不见而受到惩罚。Legally, of course, they can be punished for "willful misconduct" or gross negligence."

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刑事处罚常常用来约束那些涉及到故意犯罪行为。Criminal penalties are often imposed for acts referred to as willful or knowing violations.

就在昨天,你还象个冒失的傻孩子,一双手脏呼呼的,一颗心顽固任性。Just yesterday it seems you were a harum-scarum child with dirty hands and a willful heart.

由于客户疏忽或故意进行不当处理、网络高峰或其他不可抗力而拒绝服务Denial of service due to client negligence and willful misconduct, network floods, and other acts of God

在美国人的脑子里,租房者被视为是穷困潦倒、存心与美国梦作对的人。In the American mind, renters are regarded as an unsavorylot, willful dissidents from the American dream.

我们对日本地方法院对这一条款任意进行解释表示强烈反对。We express our strong opposition to the willful interpretation of this article by a local Japanese court.

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必要时还可以声泪俱下,让父母不忍心一意孤行下去。If the need arises, we may even break down in tears , until our parents cannot bear to be willful anymore.

然而,要刑事起诉它,你就得显得蓄意诈骗,而这是很难的。To prosecute it criminally, however, you would need to show willful intent to defraud, which is difficult.

某个单位的某个人刻意在年历换上了中国国旗,加上了中国的节日。Someone, somewhere, made the willful act of affixing the PRC flag on the calendars and added Chinese holidays.