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他还在为我做书架呢。He’s working on my bookshelves.

那儿有一张工作桌和很多书架。There is a desk and many bookshelves.

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我正在书架上找书阅读。I'm browsing the bookshelves for books to read.

我用旧木板拼拼凑凑做了些书架。I knocked some bookshelves together from old planks.

在业余时间建立书架和橱柜。He builds bookshelves and cabinetry in his spare time.

亮亮和杰母一起做书架。Jim and Liangliang are making bookshelves in the workshop.

清理你的书架,捐些书给图书馆。Clean out your bookshelves and offer the books to your local library.

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我曾经给他准备了两个文件柜、书架以及带有24个小格子的小壁橱。I have set up two file cabinets, bookshelves and a cubby with 24 slots.

不管纸质书是从哪家书店买来的,你都可以把它们排列在书架上。Books arranged on your bookshelves don't care what store they came from.

这些模型如今都陈列在椭圆形办公室的书架上,我每天都会看到。They rest on the bookshelves in the Oval Office, and I see them every day.

工作间,设计简单。开放式的书橱,让人一目了然。The open bookshelves coule not be a better choice to keep the books at bay.

金墙壁织品镶嵌细工在披风的每边在桃花心木书架的。Gold wall fabric inlays are on each side of the mantle over mahogany bookshelves.

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这个脚手架完全可以支撑所有的书架和狭小通道。This scaffolding completely supports all the bookshelves and the catwalks to them.

一组精心设计的嵌入书架包含数百本需要重新装裱的图书。An elaborate set of built-in bookshelves that housed hundreds of books needed to be repainted.

而在赫特菲这家,所有的墙边都立着书柜,书柜的每一层都摆满了书。At Hurtfew all the walls were lined with bookshelves and all the shelves were filled with books.

只听得两个人走进书房,挥拂尘四下里拂拭。He could hear two men walking around the Upper Library, dusting the bookshelves with fly- whisks.

橱柜的“格子”风格设计和住宅的书架形状相匹配。The "latticework" style design of the cabinets matches the shape of the bookshelves in the house.

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如果你只是想在飘雨的午后填补你的书架,就去买二手杂志。If you just want to fill up your bookshelves for a rainy afternoon, go for second-hand paperbacks.

从书架和沙发那里挂张被单,然后拿出睡袋在堡垒里过夜。Hang sheets from bookshelves and sofas, then get out the sleeping bags for a sleepover in the fort.

客厅的屋顶很低,光线非常的暗,书架占据了窗户对面整一面墙。The living room is dark and low-ceilinged, with bookshelves all along the wall opposite the windows.