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对政治不满。Political disaffection.

我是一个政治现实主义者。I am a political realist.

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它是一个政治雷区。It's a political minefield.

杜库是一个政治理想主义者。Dooku was a political idealist.

第二个教训是政治。The second lesson is political.

想想政治运动。Think about political campaigns.

想想政治秀。Think about political talk shows.

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但政治僵局却依然持续。But the political impasse lingers.

有些人也认为赵镛基在政治上过于活跃。He is also too political for some.

我真的是政治小神童?Am I a small political wunderkind ?

那是个政治上呈纷乱状态的时代。That is the age of political chaos.

因此所制定的政策也大相径庭The political outcome is different.

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枪杆子里出政权。The political power come form guns.

科学家必须学会参与政治。They have to learn to be political.

中英政治关系更加紧密。We have seen closer political ties.

人们央求政治避难。The people ask for political asylum.

他们的政党在重建中。Their political party is rebuilding.

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但政治程序又如何呢?But what about the political process?

是因为辩论的能力让我们具有政治性。It is speech that makes us political.

港大不需要政治声望。The HKU does not need political fame.