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解压这些文件。Unzip the files.

然后,打开一个解压缩工具。Then, open it with an unzip tool.

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拉开拉链并且折迭盖子。Just unzip and fold down the cover.

将包解压缩到某个目录中。Unzip the package into a directory.

把图标解压到一个子目录里。Unzip the icons into a sub-directory.

将文件解压缩到合适的目录。Unzip the file into a suitable directory.

下棋的宗旨就是击败对手。In chess, the idea is to unzip your opponent.

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将文件解压到工作站上的一个位置。Unzip the file to a location on your workstation.

安装就是要对包进行复制和解压。The installation is to copy and unzip the package.

把存档文件解压到您选择的目录中。Unzip the archive to the directory of your choice.

下载此文件,然后将其解压缩到任何一个空目录中。Download this file, then unzip it to any empty directory.

解压缩文件解压缩较新的基础上最后修改时间。Unzip Newer Unzips files based on last-modification time.

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按下列步骤下载,解压缩后完整装入TRAINZ。Follow these steps to download, unzip and install to TRAINZ.

如果你没有解压缩工具,你需要下载一个。If you don t already have an unzip utility, you will need one.

如果我是酵,我会成为解螺旋酶,那么我可以解开你的基因。If I was an enzyme, I’d be helicase so I could unzip your genes.

他们去了他的公寓,接吻,他伸手拉开她裙子的拉链。They went to his apartment, kissed and he reached to unzip her dress.

请使用您喜欢的解压缩实用工具将文件解压缩到您的本地磁盘中。Use your favorite unzip utility to unpack the files to your local disk.

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将附属的范例项目下载到您的文件系统中并将其解压缩。Download the attached sample project into your file system and unzip it.

如果我是酶,我想要做DNA解旋酶,因为这样,我就能了解你的基因。If I were an enzyme, I would be DNA helicase , so I could unzip your genes.

下载了所需要的组件之后,下一个步骤就是将每个文件解压。Once you have downloaded what you need, the next step is to unzip each file.