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你知道在橘子黄油薄卷饼里面有什么?You know what's in the crepe suzette?

皱纹纸纸板所涵盖的丑陋。Crepe paper covered the ugly cardboard.

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彩色绉纹纸是广泛应用的一个纸张品种。Colour crepe paper is a kind of paper of widely used.

绉纹底吸收冲击,并提供额外的缓冲。Crepe midsole absorbs shock and provides added cushioning.

所以,准备好扔掉你的布洛芬或是弹力绷带。So be prepared to throw away your ibuprofen and crepe bandages.

他拿着一个完一个丝带的绉纸捆绑到一个职位。He was holding one end of a ribbon of crepe paper tied to a post.

正版种植黑纱外底提供持久耐用。Genuine plantation crepe outsole delivers long-lasting durability.

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天然绉纹橡胶外底提供防滑的功能和耐久性。Natural crepe rubber outsole supplies non-slip function and durability.

为了庆祝节日,人们在开花板上交叉挂起了色彩艳丽的绉纸。Crepe paper of bright colours was hung across the ceilings for the festival.

它是用由鸡蛋、牛奶、面粉等调成的面糊做成,又薄又平,两面煎炸,很像可丽饼。It’s a thin flat cake made from batter and fried on both sides –much like a crepe.

这是一种由鸡蛋,面粉,牛奶混合而成的面糊做成的薄而平的蛋糕,两面煎炸---其实更像可丽饼。It’s a thin flat cake made from batter and fried on both sides – much like a crepe.

办公隔间在节日期间会被橘色和黑色的绉纸装饰起来,还会摆上大碗的糖果。Office cubicles are festooned with orange and black crepe paper and bowls of candy.

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缠绕膜可与经VCI处理或未经VCI处理的皱纹纸配合使用。The stretch film can be combined with crepe paper with VCI treatment or without it.

涤纶仿真丝绉类织物的绉丝通常是对长丝加强捻经热定型获得。PET crepe for making silk-like fabric can be obtained by high-twist and heat setting.

对绉纹整理的真丝电力纺的结构、外观风格进行研究。It is studied the structure and appearance style of the silk habutai finished by crepe.

强捻股线是制织真丝重绉的一种简便有效的线型。Hard twist ply yarn is a simple and effective type of yarn for weaving heavy silk crepe.

我们对一些高难度压绉的把握,得到了客户和同行的一致认可。We have some tough pressure crepe sure, customers and colleagues has been the unanimous recognition.

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丝线加捻是使真丝重绉织物起绉效应的直接手段。Silk yarn twisting is a direct way to bring forth crepe effect on the surface of heavy-weight crepes.

从环保方面看,缠绕膜和皱纹纸易于回收,也被各地接受。Environmentally the stretch film and crepe paper are easy to recycle and they are accepted everywhere.

晨雾开始消散,山头从轻纱似的淡雾里露出来。The morning mist was now lifting and the top of the hill peered from amidst the crepe –like faint fog.