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文字使我们的世界生动且具体,并赋予了意义。Words contextualize our world and lend it meaning.

但是我们仍然需要把部分信息联系上下文考虑。But there’s still a need to contextualize some of this information.

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当我们努力将福音处境化的同时,让我们以福音的爱为先。Let us put the love of the gospel first – even as we seek to contextualize the gospel.

答案是我们不能将福音抽象地处境化,当作思考的实验。The answer is that we cannot "contextualize" the gospel in the abstract, as a thought experiment.

课堂授课也会带到作者的写作风格和作者在她自己国家的文学史所佔的地位。Lectures will also contextualize the author's style and place in the literary history of her country.

如何让这些文献成为研究常州学派的重要资源,是一个颇具挑战性的任务。It is a challenging job to contextualize these materials with other important sources of the Changzhou school.

透过PRP,天匙宣教机构将致力于制作、发展及调整符合华族文化的教导材料。Through PRP, KEYS is passionate to produce, develop and contextualize teaching materials to suit local Chinese culture.

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拥有工商管理硕士学位的人往往可以为你提供一些你所需要的最新的信息。Someone who holds an MBA will be able to offer perspective and contextualize the information you have absorbed recently.

你用图片说明你的论点,或帮助读者理解你的内容,还是只是用图像填充空间呢?Are you using images to contextualize your argument or facilitate the reader in understanding what you’re saying or are you just using images to fill the space?

当然,作为一种期待式的纸上谈兵也未尝不可,但这也要看我们在怎样的格局中来期待。Certainly, theoretical propositions may help us to imagine, or even anticipate, an art ecology provided that we know how to contextualize and localize the discourse.

一方面可能这是一个好事,另一方面可能使得团队成员收集他们需要的信息时变得十分困难。On one hand that can be a good thing, but on the other hand it can make it difficult for team members to contextualize and consolidate the pieces of information they need.

通过古今技术细节的演绎,显现出中华文明递进的脚步,更表现出现代智慧的创造性,从而突出节目的“纵观古今、东西交流”的核心思想。Through a careful study of the past and the present, we reveal how the history of Chinese civilization, advancing one step at a time, can further contextualize the innovations of today.

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该研究所称,评论注释版的成功证明,一组史学家给备受斥责的原版写注释、评论和背景介绍的努力是值得的。The success of the critical and annotated version, it said, was proof that the attempt by a team of historians to annotate, criticize and contextualize the original much-reviled work was worth it.